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A king can't be a king...
Without strength of HIS QUEEN (la sua regina)......



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The big throne room was seen. A magnificent throne adorned with jems and rubies were high in middle beside it there was little smaller throne with such regal beauty for the queen. Today the members of assembly were shivering!! Because this court has never done injustice to anyone.

But due to the injustice done years ago an innocent angel was suffering in hell literally! The drums and trumpets were Indication of entry of the Supreme king of empericia...


He came with regal grace. His sculpted body, broad shoulders, razor sharp jawline, feral steel green eyes and pink kissable lips were anything but calm. He perched on his throne like almighty king that he is!

"Speak!" his deep velvet smooth voice commanded. The ministers were trembling like leaf. He was incarnation of Father Hades himself! "Sire... We have caught the leader of bandits. But... He said something....." minister trailed off. "Let the bandit leader continue himself." king ordered.

The theif was pushed on his knees in front of the king harshly. "Speak." king commanded. "I... Magesty... I killed... General... Masher's daughter..." he stuttered. And king's head snapped towards him immediately! "Master... You see... We punished that innocent angel... Who tumbled down the mountain accidently.... To our land because she was framed for murder of General's daughter." the minister completed.

King's fist was white clutching his sword. Ten years.... Ten fucking years... He still remember her... Angel.. HIS ANGEL.... Long black hair, innocent large feared brown eyes, cute button nose, rosy pink cheeks, slender waist, pale skin and trembling in small cage.
HIS MATE!! HIS REGINA!! HE glanced sideways to empty throne. HER place beside him. But she was in most torturous place of tartrus for murderers and rogues!!

His first mistake as king. With HIS 👑 QUEEN!!! He stood up frome his throne abruptly. And sprinted towards tartrus in inhuman speed. Assembly was startled. He sprinted straight towards dugones!! At the far end he saw ring of fire burning bright and high like when it is ready to swallow the prisoner nearly dead.

His breath got caught inside his throat! He swiftly waved his hand and fire dissappeared! There she was! Her hand tied above her with thick metal chains. Grith of chains were more than her neck. Her tiny form slumped. Her body filled with bruises and cuts. Her wrists and hands burned. Her eyes closed, bones jutted out. His stone heart clenched painfully. His beautiful angel gift from Mother Selena and father hades! He ran towards her and free her from the chains.

The chains ripped the skin of her delicate wrist sticking to it. She hissed and was about to land on ground when he caught her. In his arms she look so small and tiny. It was like he was carrying huddle of bones. So light and fragile. Blood dripping down her body. Though she looked beautiful to him. He picked her up bridal style like she is little procleain doll.

"ALZAR..." she wishpered faintly from her soft lips that his dead cold heart gave a flip. A grin adorned his beautiful lips first time in forever. "Yes my love?" he asked. But what she spoke next knocked the breath out of him. "K--kill.. M--mee... Plea--se... I.. I.. Bb--egg.. Y--ou!!" she pleaded. A lone tear escaped his eyes and fell on her lips. He hid her face inside his chest and said "You will be alright Mia Regina." And ran towards his bed chambers.

The royal doctor was already present there on his demand. "My king... Please make her bath and clean her. So ten years of dirt would be washed. We could see and treat her properly." she asked. Alzar took her to his personal bath chambers and ripped her tattered white dress with was now all brown and red with black. Her once big breast were shrinked.... Her luscious curves were lost.. Her ribs were on display.. And her once flawless skin was now all tattered and bruised. Though everything she was siren for him.

"I am so sorry mio tesero. So very sorry." he picked her up and dipped her with himself in warm water with herbs and medicine to instantly heel all the marks on her body. A sigh of pain and pleasure was passed from her lips. After ten years she was getting cleaned. ALZAR took the paste and started to rub it on her. It contains sandle wood essence, turmeric, rose oil and many more fragnances with milk.

Every part of her body he touches sends pleasurable currents in his. But he was just focusing on getting his little baby cleaned. Once he was done her skin was again smooth as silk and glowing. Her wounds were healed and there were only faint silver scars on her body. He was astonished. Once he dressed her in soft silk clothes he took her and layed her on his bed.

"Intresting." the healer said seeing the rapid healing like an royal! "Very strong! She is very very strong soul! Please ask her who she really is once she woke up my lord." healer murmured. "We will let her heal at her own pace sire. She will soon be better and conscious. But be aware. Her mental state will be so much tender. Don't make her afraid." she ended.

The great king growled his reply. Healer left. King removed his vest and only in his trouser went to bed and cuddle his mate in his arms. She was so tiny, soft and fragile. But yet so strong. Like a true queen. His Regina!!
" Sleep love. Sleep. I will protect, cherish and love you till eternity! My queen... Mia Regina!" he said and closed his eyes chuckling when he heard his innocent angel scolding him in her sleep...Just her cuteness....

"Bad ALZAR... Very bad.. Not talk to stupid mate ever.... Very bad idiot ALZAR..."

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