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When I am at my best...
I am my father's daughter.....


Every beauty needs her beast.. Every king needs HIS 👑 QUEEN....



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            I was just sitting on a throne which was designed for Liza. I was so lost in thoughts that I just jerked out when I heard baba screamed "Explain me now kaamini!" And there kaamini was shouting. "Enough!" My tone was menacing. She can't talk to my baba like that.

             "How long was I out?" I asked arjun. "Twenty minutes only." he replied. And I literally sighed. Can't I get peace for half an hour? Lord!!! "What happened RANA Maan?" I asked my baba. "she... She.. -" and then slid off in a chair with his head in his hands. His crisps white shirt was crumpled, tie undone, hair deshalved. I jerked up to my feet. I have never seen my baba this tired.

              I went to him and put my hand on his shoulder and sat on an adjacent chair. He slid and kneeled down and put his head in my lap. I was shocked did he got to know about our relationship? All were stunned. "What. Happened?" I asked Arjun calmly. I passed my fingers in his hair and massage his head. Ashley was hugging the kneeling figure of my father.

               She knows that I am SIYA. She got to know it when I was fifteen and between one of the missions. She apologized for her behaviour and we made up for our lost time. And also she is Arjun's mate or beloved. She glanced at me and shooked her head conveying my secret was safe. All others were frozen they probably didn't know why the mighty king is broken like that.

                Then I understand that the aura of comfort I radiate is the reason why he is like this. "When you were resting lawyer Jatin... Solved some mysteries of four kingdoms. Apparently, kaamini had a daughter with Maan that got stolen from her when she was of the month. That daughter got adopted by a noble minister and his wife of my court. And kaamini found her daughter when she was ten. But let her stay here as she was close to anirudh. So she can have her daughter as queen of my kingdom. Her daughter apparently didn't know that she was kaamini and maan's daughter. And it would have been successful if her daughter wouldn't be that stupid. "Raana atharva master's (ram's) father explained.

                  I took a deep breath." LIZA? "I asked Ashley. She nodded. I exhaled frustrated." Moreover, kaamini let taara(siya's mother) eat a potion containing food before delivery which was the cause of her death. So apparently kaamini didn't add the potion but she knew the food was contaminated so she indirectly participates in taara's murder. And it was all blamed on maan's little baby and complications during her birth. "Raana Mikhail third king explained. My breath hitched. I looked towards Ashley and she smiled and blinked her eyes reassuringly.

                " My baby... My little b.. Abbyy.. I didn't even bother to... Know her name. She left me.. I swear... I.. Didn't know... I.. I.. Am gonna find her. My little baby... She left me...!" baba said and sobbed. Tears welled in my eyes. He acknowledges me for the first time. And I am here I am glad. But I am still not ready." Shh... Rana maan. You will find her. "I whispered." How... I don't even know her name! I was so cruel to the child. I beat her. I ignored her. She would probably will be hating me. If.. If.. She.. Is.. A... A. Live... If she survived this cruel world. She was gonna come back to me after a whole year in boarding school. And I forgot the date. I was gonna take her on vacation with me. I swear... I was gonna try to be a good father! But.. But.. She left.. I don't know why? Was she hurt that I forgot to pick her up? Was she hurt that I forgot her on holidays... Didn't send her gifts... Never wished her birthday... I was too busy grieving to care for her special day.... Was she hurt that I didn't get her gifts and things like every other parent do that to their kids?... I don't even know! She would probably have enough of living like crap.... An o.. orphan.. In her own house! "

                 "Or she would have had enough of my harshness and beatings. Enough of being jealous of her siblings who had everything on the snap of their fingers. Haa.. Who am I kidding? That innocent thing would have not even known what jealousy would be. I tried... I tried... But couldn't find her because I don't know her name. How she properly looks. I bet she would be as beautiful as her mother my love. I am gonna find her! "baba said. I wanted to scream.. Baba, I look like you! Once I remove my eye contacts you can immediately recognize my deep chocolate brown eyes... Your eyes baba!

                     I wanted to scream... I LOVE YOU BABA! I love you so very much! But instead, I spoke" I would not know that as I never had my parents with me. "and give him sad smile. A traitorous tear escaped. COWARD!! My whole being screamed at me. He looked into my eyes by raising his face. I am sorry." he whispered. I nodded still with a sad smile. Because I don't trust myself to speak. Baba turned towards king atharva" Atharva. Brother, I know Liza caused you and your kingdom great damage mentally and emotionally, but please hand her over to me. She is my daughter and I lost my one baby because of my stupidness, I don't want my other to be gone and too. I will pay for all financial damage and no one is physically seriously harmed. So I begged you... Please I want my daughter back. "baba pleaded. Rage bubbled inside me. My baba never pleads.

                     King Atharva sighed" Brother I respect you. And no need for any financial support. It's not a big deal. See the only harm Liza successfully did was to Rose. Because of her Rose lived twenty years of her life in Tartarus and we all know how that goes. I am surprised and proud that she survived. So I RANA ATHARVAPRATAP announce Rose as innocent and proudly give her the title of a royal. This would not make anything better from living your childhood in Tartarus but by announcing you royal I, therefore, display my guilt, gratefulness and respect to you. And also let you decide liza's punishment. "By saying that he kneeled in front of me and all others followed. I laughed at him giving me the royal title. If he only knew that I am born loyal.

             And about the punishment, I can do anything for my baba...

❛ 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 ❜ | 𝖑𝖆 𝖘𝖚𝖆 𝖗𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖆 Where stories live. Discover now