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Some rules are meant and made to be broken..... REBEL LIKE YOU OWN THE BLOODY DAMN WORLD!........



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HER POV......


One word that was swirling in my mind from the moment I stepped inside this palace. ARCINIA'S royal palace. Many bittersweet memories are attached with the place of you ask so. More on bitter side that is! I was hearing the arguments that low level royal ministers more like Kamini Oops kaamini's minions were having.

Apparently all the people here have their seats. And I don't! Pity? No... Irritating? Hell yeah! But I was aiming for the beautiful golden throne beside my baba's. It is said that ages ago queen Silvia was daughter of king of Arcinia and mate and queen of king of Empericia (Anirudh's kingdom) Alzar. The throne at Empericia belongs to Alzar and Silvia. And thrones at Arnicia belongs to Silvia and Elijah (Silvia's father).

So technically the throne is surrounded by raw power that does not allow any king or queen or daughter seat at that. Much like in Empericia where I and Ram can only sit after Alzar and Silvia. "But sire...!" I that old man whined. "Silence!" my father bellowed cutting me out of my thoughts. "But your highness! How can you be so sure that she is Princess siya?" asked another old baboon. "And sire if she is really our princess than she is not ready yet to take her responsibilities! I mean look at her... She is in formal pants and shirts instead of royal gowns! She is standing dominating like a prince not princess and God forbid what about politics she knows? " another annoying old brat said.

" Are you questioning my daughter? My daughter? "my father bellowed. I smirked." No.. Nnoo... Sire! Not at all! "he was trembling like leaf." Master
.... We can vote for her to have rights in assembly... "another old fool muttered. My father's eyes were red with anger." You. Are. Saying. That. My. Decisions. Didn't. Matter! I AM THE KING! "he bellowed. I was going to say something but kaamini cut me off saying" Oh come on Maan! You are acting like you have every power like old times! Don't you remember? When you became king and yaara your queen the power was distributed equally in 50-50%. As you didn't made a queen again so when your kids turned 18 taara's 50% was divided to Siya and arush equally. From your 50% it was 20% to arush and 20%to Ashley and 10% to siya. As you know in absence of arush he gave decision rights to me! So I have most shares of 45% here. And my decision is SHE IS NOT GONNA STAY HERE! " Kaamini declared proudly.

By hearing that I burst out laughing. I clapped sarcastically. And my aura of rage was struggling to get free of its restrains." See she is mentally unstable my lord! "an old bat screeched. Then I took a deep breath and with every inch of authority seeping out of me called" Minister lawyer Mayank! "The only minister of old batch that is trusted and under ice queen that's me! He came forward." Please explain the share power policy to assembly! "I ordered.

" Yes your highness! "he bowed low and came forward beside me at the centre of assembly." According to share power policy signed by KING MAANVEER PRATAP SINGH AND QUEEN TAARA MAAN PRATAP SINGH almost 25 years ago is as follow....

" According to share power policy signed by KING MAANVEER PRATAP SINGH AND QUEEN TAARA MAAN PRATAP SINGH almost 25 years ago is as follow

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1. The shares would be distributed among all children of king Maan as decided.

2. If there is untimely demise of any one king or queen than all the shares will directly be transfered to other living individual. Means 100% to either of them till their children came of age.

3. If king makes another queen than there will be no rights of her on the shares that belong to kids. King must give her 2-5% of his for the time being.

4. If not than all the 100% of rule rights will be with surviving king or queen till their death! No children would have any rights over ruling or decision making when either of them are alive.

5. If both of them dies than direct ruling power will go in hands of their trusted friends KING ATHATVA, MIKHAIL AND ANAND. with the responsibilities of children if they are not of age.

6. If they are of age then king's first born CROWN PRINCE AARUSH will rule Arcinia.

7. There will be no ruling rights for other wives of king until the decision of king.

8. All his children must have 10% of right on ruling till the next king AARUSH is not Crowned.

9. After AARUSH is Crowned this agreement would be null and void. He can decide to renew, modify or delete this agreement as the former king.

10. When and when only king and queen both have died AARUSH can be Crowned or get the throne.

--------If this agreement is breached than the subjects are punishable even till death. If tempered when absence of king and queen than the kingdom will be handed to KING ATHATVA OF EMPERICIA immediately - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That's it! " he said and concluded. Gasps and murmurs were heard. And than I came forward.


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