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Hate is base of foundation on which some legendary love stories are  build...



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             And as for punishment to Liza I can never deny my baba what he wants..

            "I Rose except the title of royalty thanking king Atharva for his greatness and hand over the decision of punishing Liza to her father King Maan." I announced.

             All of them bowed to me "YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS!!" And clapped for what they thought is my genorosity of handing over punishment to baba. I nodded.

           Baba sighed with relief and said "Thank you kid!" and gave me dazzling smile. I thought my heart just stopped. From outside I just nod humbly but from inside thousands of butterflies were fluttering inside my belly. Oh how handsome he looks when he smile. And he smiled at me! I glanced at Ashley and she smirked knowing my giddiness. After all we are sistas! I narrowed my eyes at her and she simply winked.

             Father went to Liza who was frozen for eternity and took her in his arms. "My baby." he wishpered. And then and there I saw a miracle. Liza broke down in his arms muttering "I am so sorry daddy.. I will be good... I am so sorry.. Please don't leave me....." and my father holding her tightly. I was suddenly plunged inside my memory listening the same lines I repeated to him again and again...

 I was suddenly plunged inside my memory listening the same lines I repeated to him again and again

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              The night was so cold that I was freezing in my thin mattress. So I went to my father's room and slipped in the door. He had ordered me to not enter there many times but as stubborn as I am I never listen. I saw baba cuddled with ashy and arush bhaiya. I smiled and tried to climb on bed but fell on my butt with a soft thud. Ouch! It hurts. But with my blankie in my hand I try again and after much struggle I climbed up. I was so cold and my teeth were chattering. I tried to control my chattering teeth for less noise. I hope baba will not wake up and let me sleep this night on his warm bed.

            I will endure all the beatings tommorow morning. I snuggled to his side on warm bed. Ashy was sleeping on top of him and bhaiya was on other side. But stupid me! Because of my chattering baba woke up. And with angry snarl he pushed me down the bed. "How many times I have to tell you that I don't like trash on my bed. Get out brat!" he wishper yelled.

              I landed on the floor with my blankie. "But baba.. It's.. Ccoldd.. Out there... I.. Pwomise.. Pease.. Lwet mee.... Sleep.. With... You... Toonigt... I... Too... Ccoldd... Pwease..I.. . Will..bee..gwood...pwease..dont leawe.. Me... Dadda... Pwease bab..aa..."I said shivering." Freeze for all I care brat! "he wishpered and hugged ashy and bhaiya. My head hurts because of impact and I am to cold to talk. I rolled on to the rug under his bed and curled in small ball. My soft sobs were only indication that I was still alive and not dead of cold...

 My soft sobs were only indication that I was still alive and not dead of cold

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           I was shaked awake by arjun from my thoughts. I saw King Anand (Fourth King) rambling something about his and King mikhail's (third King) some issues that came to light. I sighed. "One more important thing. King Atharva Prince Rudra is your own blood son." lawyer jatin said. Gasps were heard. Well... Yeah! When rudra was eight there were some misunderstandings and it was falsley proved that he was queen chhaya (Atharva's second wife) and another man's son. Due to this queen and rudra were heavily humiliated. King Atharva was always rude and harsh towards rudra. "How is this possible?" king Atharva asked shell shocked.

              "Some of your ex ministers wanted revenge on you and so they targeted second queen and her son because he was youngest and dear to you." lawyer explained. "Shit! MY SON!" king exclaimed . King and queen were ecastic. As king called rudra dirty kid he too began to call king ' Adopted Dad' as he says people adopts sons, he adopted dad! His logic not mine! But the shock was he was not in sight! I began to search for him frantically because he was my adorable little brother. "Where is Rudy!?" king asked panicked.

               And there he came running and huffing. As soon as he came king engulfed him in warm hug. First everything was quite and than as rudra as he is he exclaimed "Yo adopted dad! Is everything fine? Hello? I am rudra.. Why are you hugging me? Did you hit your head! Doctor.. Doctor! Please help him.. He hit his head! He is my one and only dad! Well adopted or not!" he completed in one breath. And all burst out laughing.. This kid!

               "Well what?What did I miss? Look adopted father I am the only one concerned for you here.Take care of yourself. We don't want you mentally gone too soon. Well I will prefer it after some years but not now! I was only gone to pee. Can't a person pee without any drama! "he said exparted. And all continued to laugh hysterically even me! Gosh he is an innocent angel!

                 King let him go and said" Well son you are right! We don't want me gone too soon as you are just a kid now. But why do you call me as adopted dad? "he asked. Rudra replied uncertainly" Well..!! You keep telling that I am not your son and mom keeps telling that I am your son so one day my friend said his parents adopted little baby. So I think we can adopt a son so why not father? So I asked mom if she adopted you as a father for me and she agreed. So like that I am not your son but technically I am. See how genius I am! But than again you take care of your head. I think it hit pretty hard as you called me son after fifteen years. "rudra said.

            King Atharva blanched at his queen astounded. And all others were laughing so hard." So.. What do you wanted me to explain ten year old that how his father says he is not his son and his mother says he is his father's son! It's all your fault! "queen chhaya replied hauhtily. Rudra giggled.

              Immediately king recovered and smiled brightly towards rudra" Ah son! You are indeed born intelligent! "And rudra just shrugged with attitude.

            "Well people it's pretty late. So let's head towards dinning hall and then sleep. Because I am damn hungry. "Rudra announced. And we all nodded in agreement.

     Well... Let's start the dinner.....

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