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Strength is not a thing that anyone can describe. It is expressed in the aura of the person that how powerful his soul is.....



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HER POV.....

My eyes are glued shut. Darkness is surrounding me. I register pain in my shoulder. But it is not a concern. My beast healing will kick in soon. Continuous beeping keeps me annoying to the core. My body needs to be shut down to heal.

"I will not let anything happen to my baby!" I heard a familiar voice yell."I know bud. But she needs rest! You can't take her back with you at the moment! Talk to her when she wakes up. Okay?" second voice explained. It's familiar too...

"Why she didn't tell me? Why? I fucking spelled my deep secrets to her! Still she choosed to do that!" first voice wishpered brokenly. "Patience bud. You can't expect that she will come running to your arms and say I love you after so many years that she suffered!" second voice explained.

"It's all my fault! Because of me she was in tartrus for twenty years. Because of me... She feels it is her home! Because of me she didn't get any love! I slapped her when she was just protecting me! It should have been me who should protect her. But every time it's her who protects me! I am failure as a father! "first voice said and my breath hitched.

" No... No... Bud. It's just you were deceived! Tell her. Talk to her she will surely understand. Tell her how you loved her! Tell her how you missed her! Tell her how much proud you are of her! Show her your care. Everything will be fine!" second voice explained.

My eyes are heavy. I couldn't open them. Darkness started to conquer me. And again I slipped into world of darkness.....

 And again I slipped into world of darkness

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Before few hours...

Maan's POV.....

The creature!

The horredious creature I just saw began to degenerate on its own

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The horredious creature I just saw began to degenerate on its own. I grabbed Liza and tucked her into my arms. Rudra took a photo of creature before it fully turned into ashes. A low groan of pain was heard. I turned and saw rose on the concrete ground with an arrow on her shoulder. The arrow aimed for me!

It smelled like acid and was burning her flesh. I immediately kneeled and pull it out. Rudra took it as an evidence. Her baby blue shirt was all bloody and tattered. Her flash was black. "Rose... Baby..!" I wishpered. A lone tear escaped her eyes. My heart twisted painfully.

I lifted her in my arms like a baby. She was so tiny and she fitted in my arms perfectly! She was so soft and faintly smelled like a new born baby. So good. Proof of her innocence. I  concluded that her father had not scent marked her. Like I didn't do to my little baby ! My little baby. She was withering in pain unconsciously.

I ran into hospital with her in my arms. If my baby girl would have been with me she would have been the same. So tiny, soft, delicate but epitome of queen from inside. Powerful, strong, brave, kind... "Dr.. Dr.... Emergency...!" I yelled. And immediately she was wheeled in surgery. I sat on bench outside with my head and in hands.

Then I recollected what I told her...
Pathetic whore......
The same things I told to my little baby... My and taara's little girl! I wonder what would I have named her? Rose.... Was the name that taara wanted for our baby girl. I wanted to name her... SIYA...! Hmmm... My baby girl... SIYA ROSE MANVEER PRATAPSINGH SINGHANIA. Beautiful.. Beautiful name for beautiful baby.

Ironically I raised hand on only two lady in my life. First my little baby and other rose..... I just... Both of them are so innocent... And I... I exhaled loudly. I humiliate her so bad in my rage. But I don't want my kids to get hurt. After baby left.. I promised my self that I will protect and cherish all my kids even if they are wrong! Liza was wrong I know! But she is also my baby that never got to spend time with me because of that bitch kaamini.

So I spend my time with her. She realized her mistakes. Liza promised me to try and change to better person. And I will help my kid to do so. I am still gonna find my little baby. I know she would be around twenty five now but for me... She is still little four years old cutie. I sure was worst father to her but once she came home I was gonna try to be at least good father to her not best though. But she went away with that letter behind her.

Her small baby handwritings with spelling mistakes showed her pain towards me! She... My little baby.. Wanted to go to her momma! Innocent little thing wanted to die! She wanted new daddy to love her! At that time due to my stupid rage I didn't take it seriously but now I feel like shit!! I disappointed my little baby. She wanted to be my little princess but I took it as her greed. Stupid me! I saw greed and evil in four years old baby!

I heard footsteps. My morons of best friends atharva, mikhail and Anand so called kings ran towards me. "Are you alright bud?" atharva asked. "Yeah... But she isn't. She got shot by acidic poison arrow!" I wishpered. "Who rose?" Anand asked. I nodded.

We were just talking when Dr. Came out. "How is she doctor?" I asked. "Well we took out the poison but she will be in comma till her body heals itself." Dr. Said. We all sighed in relief. "Let me say that she is extremely powerful and strong! More than four of you if not more! If it would have been you king Maan you would have been dead meat." Dr. Avasthi stated.

We all were shocked. "But the main thing I wanted to ask you all about the royal birth mark on her left shoulder." he said. "Royal birthmark?" mikhail asked. "Yes. If she has royal birth mark than you four should know from whose clan she is. As I don't know about royal birth marks. It would be nice if you four identify it" Dr. Asked. I frowned.

"Sure doc. Lead the way." Anand said. We went inside and saw rose attached to all the machines and wires. My heart clenched. Oh little baby! She was so pale, thin and fragile. When doctor removed cloth from shoulders her black skin patch on milk white baby skin was healing. And than he revealed her left shoulder. I gasped. The earth slipped beneath my feet.

 The earth slipped beneath my feet

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I thought like I am slipping. Three pair of arms held me still from falling down. I looked at the beautiful mark and wishpered...


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