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The king rules the kingdom, but it is the queen that rules HER KING....



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I was sitting on the driver's seat and driving white Lamborghini. Don't even start. This IS HIS. And obviously I accepted or am borrowing begrudgingly. Baba called for shotgun and Liza is at back. Rudy is coming on his KTM motor bike. Boys and their toys! Liza is constantly chirping irritatingly from back and baba grunts occasionally as if listening. I know he is on edge of sanity now.

"Hey rose! Do you have licence?No I mean living in tartrus and all." she suddenly asked. Baba was gonna say something but I replied"No you know it is my father's road! I don't need licences. "I sassed. And suddenly she bounced excitedly" Really! Daddy..You should also buy roads. So that I will not need license! You know I failed theory test! "she completed.

I exhaled exparted and baba just chocked on his own saliva. I thought she was taunting me not genuine." See how innocent my baby is! It was just bad influence! "baba said. I rolled my eyes." This 'innocence' is genetic or.... She is special you know.... "I asked. Baba understood I meant dumbness by innocence. He didn't speak. For a moment I was afraid that I offended him." I am sorry I didn't mean to offend you... "I trailed away. He took a deep breath and answered" You know to make a baby man and woman are equally responsible..... So sometimes I see her mother's genes expressed... "he explained. We both chuckled. Sure he is my father in sarcasm.

We reached hospital and I took baba and Liza to Dr. Mahesh avsathi. Our dean and best doctor of top most hospital and college. And than I left for my OPD and rounds. And I am cycatrist. Ironic I know. My life is deep shit and am making others better! As I was passing from children's ward I felt something weird.

Something was seriously Amiss. I shook it off. I met Rudy in corridor and said to him "Rudy I feel something is off please stay alert and inform Arjun, Ashley and other members of our team. I am announcing high alert!" I said. "Didi is it do with Liza? Are you alright? What is it?" he asked concerned. "Rudy I don't know anything. And no it is not Liza. It is more serious... Please it is confidential and be alert !" I wishpered lowly.

By seeing seriousness in my voice he immediately began to work. I took a breath and took out my new phone. And surprise! There is only one number in call list saved as 'Master of my universe'. I chuckled. But there he is right. I called him. He picked up at third ring. "Ah... 'Mistress of my heart' how are you love? Missed me?" he asked in his deep husky voice. "Sure 'Master of my universe.' I did. Are you alright?" I asked. "Yes love. I am fine. What happen?" he asked. "Stay alert. I am not getting good feelings. Something is just not right. Get ready for worst. Only my team and you know. Stay safe master." I said seriously.

"Is everything alright? Where are you? I am coming to you. I also got same instincts now. I am fine. But I need to keep you safe." he said in concern. "No master. I am alright! Just I am feeling peachy about this! I'm good. Please stay there and keep in contact. Keep yourself safe!" I said. He sighed. "Fine. But don't do anything stupid. I care for you pretty baby. Please call me every hour." he said.

I smiled. "Well that's good reason to talk isn't it my master! Fine. I will call you. Take care 'Master of my universe.'" I said. He chuckled. "You too. 'Mistress of my heart' And master loves you pretty baby." he said. And ended the call. Among every mess this was the only thing made me giddy. He loves me!. But this happiness soon converts Into peachines. I have to keep baba happy and safe!

I have to take baba and Liza back to palace in security as soon as possible. They are my responsibility for now. Their talk with Dean must be over by now. I went towards gate where I asked them to meet me. Good mornings and greetings were given my way as I pass. This was one of my domain. I smile, greeted them and they greeted me back.

People here love me I love them back. SAINT STEWARD COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL. Hospital of royals and nobles! This belongs to baba and Mr. King in partnership. As I approach the gate feeling of uneasiness increased. My all senses were triple times alerted. As I approached main gates of glass I noticed something alerting.

There was black light circling around baba. Liza was beside him. No one noticed the black aura. They were like ten feet away from me. I quicken my pace towards them. I took out enchanted bow and arrow from my back pack. I suddenly noticed Liza was surrounded by black aura too. And then I saw a wild creature with white eyes jumping at Liza from back and shooted the silver arrow at it. It passed beside liza's neck.

 It passed beside liza's neck

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The animal fell on land. Before I can breath a clocked figure nearly fifty feet away on tree shoot an arrow towards baba. "SIRR..!!" I shouted and ran at my full supernatural speed towards baba and hugged him tight. And at that moment I felt a searing pain on my right shoulder. It burned like acid.


A sound was heard and I felt burn on my left cheek. This all happened in a moment that all were holding there breath around us. The first thing I felt was slap! My BABA SLAPPED ME! I was shocked. "You pathetic trash! You attacked my daughter with deadly arrow? MY BABY! You are just shit! The title of princess has gotten to your head. You forgot your place Trash! You pathetic whore! Never ever try to touch MY KID! GOT IT?" He roared.

You pathetic trash....
You ate my love... My queen....
I hate you...
You are not my daughter you little bitch....
You are a murderer......

Thousands of hateful lines from his mouth were heard in my head. Burning pain of acidic fluid registered in my shoulder! A tear escaped my eye as I was seeing direct in my baba's eye which was full of hatered. MY BABA. MY FATHER! MY...... And still after so many years.... He loves evil Liza... But not me! First time I got jealous in years.... Sadness.. Hurt... Pain....

Liza screamed "BABA! LOOK. SHE WAS SAVING US! LOOK AT THAT!" She screamed. And moment was broken. My heart felt like crashing in pieces. My breathing became harsh. "WHAT!" baba asked. But the pain was unbearable. I closed my eyes and felt on hard, hot concrete road. The fall was harsh... Pain was unbearable.... Still.... Still my heart yearned for MY FATHER...

I thought it is my last moment.. Master I love you. I wishpered. I wanted to be in my baba's arms. He didn't took me in his arms when I was born. But at least I can die in his arms. I want him to hold me. I want him to tell me that he loves me... Even if he doesn't....if he lie.. I don't care! One last time I want to hear him say.. I am good daughter.. If not best... Even just fakely... All my life I didn't bother him. Just one last time....

Than I thought about Rudy, Arjun, Ashley and momma.. Mommy I am coming to you..


Then I couldn't keep my eyes open and drifted into darkness.....

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