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He was her dark fairytale... And she was his twisted fantasy.. Together they created magic..


Morning sunrays hit his skin and he opened his eyes.. There she was. Now fully healed and glowing like a divine ball of light. His fireball. Her pink juicy lips were puckered in a pout. Her eyebrows furrowed. He smiled for the first time and kissed her nose. Twice with gentle pecks. And her pout was converted into small smile. That made his heart flutter.

His bedroom door opened and in came his brothers and the ladies of brothel? Why? He don't know. Sure he was no innocent and had fucked many whores and concubines, but he does not want his queen to see them early morning rather than him. They were going to greet him loud but he raised his hand and shut them up. His baby was sleeping perfectly peaceful after ten long years! She was herself little baby of ten when she came to him.

Now she will think there is only tartrus on empericia. He sighed and got up. But little angel who was cuddle under him and hidden from everyone pulled him down giving a small whine. Every
One's attention was drowned towards it and they gasped. It was first time that their king has anyone in his bed. He smiled and kissed her forehead. "I am coming soon little love." he said.

And all were stunned. The ALzar smiled and spoke with affection! He took every one out with him and asked "What was the meaning of barging in my chambers." he sounded pissed. "Brother we came for that angel. This ladies will take her and take care of her." his second youngest brother replied happily. He gritted his teeth. "oh brother you are genius! But do you know who this ladies are?" he asked. His youngest brother of three replied excitedly. "Yes brother. They are royal concubines. And the angel would be our prized possession." he said.

"Ah.. Brother! All whores here give their service willingly to royal men in return of favours of wealth. If she refuses than what?" he asked. "Then we can assign her as maid!" youngest replied. ALzar clapped. "Amaizing brothers!! I did a mistake and pushed her in hell. Now you want to push her back in other hell? Whore!! Maid!! Do you even know who she is? No! Now. Who. Asked. You. To. Use. Your. Pea. Size. Brains!!!" he bellowed. Every one flinched. "Fucking get lost!!" he yelled. Then he returned to his bed to see his little love still sleeping.

But the thing that touched his heart was she was whimpering and constantly rolling as if searching for something or someone. As he approached her and slid beside her she sighed contently and rolled on him with her head on his naked chest above his heart. "Stupid alzar. Gone again...Gonna tie him to us ..... like he did to us......Me so small...stupid Alzar.....Idiot mate." she mumbled. He snorted and wishpered "I am here love. I am with you." he said a d she drifted of to sleep. He wonder how bold she is when she is awake?

 He wonder how bold she is when she is awake?

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