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The water pooled in your eyes are your emotions that your heart overflowed after not able to keep it inside.....



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I got up in the morning with heavy weight on my body. Ashley was sleeping on me while bhaia's arm was wrapped around me. And clicks of flashes going crazy like some one was taking photos. I groaned. Hearing the clicks ashy and bhai too stirred. Groans were heard. "Dad stop your camera!" ashy said. "No can do princess. Now get up from my little baby." he said. Still my eyes were closed. Bhai too groaned and greeted 'morning'. "Technically... I am younger than her from month so she can tolerate my weight." ashy said and hugged me tighter while bhai got up, kissed my forehead and went to freshen up. Good boy as always.

"Get up Ashley baby aisha wanted to talk to you." he said. She grumbled and kissed my forehead and went. Then I felt dad crawled up on bed. He brought me closer to him. But I turned away with a tiny pout. "Upset from daddy?" he wishpered in my ears. I just whimpered. "Open your beautiful eyes baby. Daddy is sorry. Won't you greet your baba?" he asked. "But you hate it when I call you baba. You beat me." I said meekly.

He sighed. His warmth that enveloped me was making me feel safe. I snuggled closer to him with eyes closed and a pout. "Little bird... I.. Will never beat you again! I really am sorry. I love you. Yesterday I was wrong. I am sorry. I got your note kid. But I saw you three siblings getting cozy and I thought not to interrupt. I love it when you call me baba. The emotions you put in that little word is heart warming. Tell me who taught you? "he asked.

" uh... When I was small aisha and kaamini always gave me to maids and I stayed with them in maids quarter. There was a garderner of royal gardens and he had son my age so we played together. He called his father 'baba'. So... I though I can call you same.... Maids here who are old told me that was my first word! I don't know.... "I explained to him what my little memory has stored." Really... Your first word was baba? "he asked.

I nodded vigorously." They said they recorded it. I used to be very energetic kid and I used to crawl around you saying baba and make you angry. So no one let me stay around you I guess... They say they recorded it and can give me if I want... But I don't want it. Because it is not important.....It's probably silly... And anyway no one even wants to see it... "I completed meekly." Why.... I am so sorry baby... But I want to see it!It's not silly! I am so sorry I was not present with you when you needed me the most... But I need it. Don't worry.. Let's start the day.. Yeah? "he said and kissed my nose.

I sighed in protest but opened my eyes to the identical but more mature ones of my baba. After many grumpy protests and kisses I was finally into the bathroom....

 After many grumpy protests and kisses I was finally into the bathroom

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Maan was sitting in his study and waiting for the stuff he has ordered. He was thinking about the things Siya spoke last night to the stars. Thinking of her mommy. She didn't want to stay here... How she misses her mommy and want her with her. How she wants to know more about her. How she don't want to share her parents for some time and many more things. A sudden knock pull him out of his dream.

Then a man came and hand him a package from which he pulled the pendrive and inserted inside the computer. The screen showed a little baby playing with a little boy....

A baby was seen gurgling and talking gibberish with another baby

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A baby was seen gurgling and talking gibberish with another baby. Both were playing with cheap toys. And then a man came there and baby boy became excited and started saying "Baba... Baba.. Baba..." cutely. It means father. Baby girl looked at them with longing when the man picked boy up and twirled him in air making him giggle.

Then she looked at her hands and tested the word silently sobbing "B.. Ab..... Baa... B..." and as she realized she can't speak she started crying. Then a lady came in maid uniform and picked her up consoling her. "Mary you are head cook not a baby sitter darling why princess is here." man asked. "Honey take our son with you in garden while doing your garderner duty. Little princess here was ordered to be kept in maids quarter so I took her here.

If I didn't have taken her... That mean maids would have abused her." lady said. "Poor little thing." man said and went. "Ba.. Aaabaa.... B..." baby tried again looking at Mary. "Baby... Your baba is king darling. He is one of the best thing happened to arcinia. And your mamma is star there (she pointed at sky) best queen present. And you will be great queen someday." she said.

And then the screen changed showing baby crawling around Maan's leg." Baaa..... B... Aa.. " she wishpered tugging at his jeans." Ba.. Ba.. "she said again. And Maan was clueless. Than her face lit up and she yelled" Baba! "and maan was startled. He kicked baby hard that she tumbled a feet away." Take this piece of shit out of my sight. "Maan yelled. And maids took crying baby away....

Maan's breath hitched seeing this

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Maan's breath hitched seeing this. He nearly jumped out of his seat to catch her  when SIYA tumbled when she was kicked. Tears pooled his eyes of happiness, pain and shame. His poor baby. He was happy because she first spoke "Baba" while all his other baby spoke "mamma". He was frustrated, sad and in pain seeing his own self kicking his precious baby.

His emotions were trailing down his face in form of tears. Bittersweet tears. No wonder why his baby don't want to see or preserve the memory. But he was gonna preserve and cherish it with all other little memories that he was preserving of his baby. His pity party for himself was cut short when aarush ran inside his office saying" Dad... You need to see this. Please let me make her calm. "he said.

Maan was on his feet and out of his study in a second....

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