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It's simply isn't an ADVENTURE
Worth telling,
If there aren't any

Dedicated to sweetymua , cassiberri , hariharapriya143,
pearbhi_kavyashree and all my constant readers!!!

loveforadiza Thnx again for wonderful banners and cover!!!



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HER POV.....

Standing at the feet of a huge mountain I, ashley and becca were staring straight upwards! The mountain was so huge that we even can't see the tip of it!!! "Well...who is gonna go up there?"becca asked. "What do you mean by who is gonna go up there?"ashy asked with a scowl. "Well mahadev said he will teleport us to enterance of the cave and he dumped us here! So tell me who from me and ashy will be going with you there siya?" She asked. "Cave is somewhere up on the mountain becca! And ofcourse you both are coming with me up there!" I said. "WHYYYY!!!!!" Both becca and ashy said at the same time! "Now shut up and come with me! We don't have time!" I ordered. They both groaned but started climbing sluggishly behind me!



We were climbing the mountain for hours!! The weather and mountain itself was harsh!! We have cuts all over our hands, legs and body! Ashy was a minute back from fainting. Finally my fingers felt plain surface! I gripped the harsh surface and pushed my body weight upwards climbing on somewhat flat surface where I can atleast stand! "Ash! Give me your hand!" I said. And after clutching her hand I pulled her upwards! And then me and ashy did same with becca. After pulling both of them we collapsed on the little space almost on each other and started drawing gasps of breath in our lungs! We were panting and breathing very hard! "Bus! Ub aur nahi!(That's it! No more)" becca exclaimed! "Where is the bloody cave! We are already above clouds! It could be day, It could be night, It could be already an eternity! We don't even know how much time has bloody passed! We started one week before deadline! Who knows if war has started or it's already done!" Ashy gasped panting!

"NO!!"I shouted."NO!We can't let that happen! Without Athlea we are surely gonna get our ass beated! I can't let that happen! I can't let my people die! I can't let history repeat itself!" I ranted panicked. "Calm down siyu! Let's not get ahead of ourselves!" Becca said. And before I can reply the mountain began to shake like in earthquake!! Small rocks and debries started to fall on us! Little light that was on us dissappeared and we were covered in darkness like a huge shadow was covering us!

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