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He is the king and she is the rule... Together they are  evil Brutes..A force to reckon..



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HER POV.....

Ever came across a morning when you are awake and still you wanna sleep like end of the world? Well today I felt it. Other things like.... Me on top of my mate and his hand on my ass while I lay on his chest listening to his heartbeat tightly wrap in his arms....

"What the fuck bro? They slept together?" I heard a voice. Sounds like king mikhail. "Lets bet! They are mates! I mean she is definition of warrior queen and he is defination of ruthless and bastard king!" King anand's voice. "No way! My precious little baby with that dumb manwhore monkey!" my baba! "Anand hundred dollars that they are soul mates!" king atharva stated. "Hundred dollars that your dumb monkey is playing with my daughter fucker." baba said. "And am gonna kill him if she is hurt!" he further added. And I internly scoffed.

I sighed and open my eyes. And the first thing I saw was my handsome mate. MY MATE! His beautiful flawless face, little stuble growing on his face, firm eight packs, and innocent look with full pink soft kissable lips. I couldn't get enough of that sinners. I was tracing his sharp jawline when I heard a soft clearing of throat. I look towards them and said 'shhh! "to keep them quite.

" Get out of his arms little baby. "my father said sternly. I sighed and tried to wriggle around. But he flipped us over and nuzzle my neck groaning and nipping in his husky morning voice. I just shrugged looking at them. Baba was cursing under his breath. And other three were laughing merely. When he sucked at my sweet spot I couldn't control small moan passed by my lips. The strange sound I did first time. And I covered my mouth with my hands with wide eyes my cheeks turning pink.

I saw my father's eyebrow raised and all three laughing like maniacs. And here master was enjoying his time of life and deep chuckle vibrated inside his chest making me shudder pleasantly. "Good morning old brats." he greeted with his deep morning voice. "Isn't it too soon for you to change your girlfriend bastard. And that too sisters! First Liza now baby?" baba asked. "Well I don't like Liza. It was just strong shit love potion. And other than that I had never been with girls. Minus the ONS!(One night stand)" He replied still nuzzling my neck." What is ONS master?"I asked innocently! He froze on top of me! "Nothing my love nothing! I will tell you one day!"he said smiling sweetly at me." No, I am big girl now! Tell me!"I pouted."Why don't you ask your baba?"he said mischievously! I looked towards baba and repeated" Tell me...Tell me...Tell  me...!" In sing song voice!

"Not today little one."baba said making me pout and looked towards smirking ram!"Not good enough brat! Now get your ass up and we have to go to important meeting about creature. Unfortunately you are invited." baba said scowling. "Easy there Bud." king atharva said to him baba chuckling. "Get off my baby brat!" baba said again. Master again chuckled and pull me up comfortably puting me on his lap. Sparks were flying here and there making me dizzy in good ways! "Bon gorgino mon amore!" he said in his sexy deep Italian voice. I smirked at him and lower my voice to seductive octave "Bon gorgino mio Caro!" I replied.

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