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He rules, HE... THE KING... Deathly, lethal and powerful.... She reigns... SHE... HIS 👑 QUEEN....kind, brave and headstrong....



I was sleeping peacefully with my baby in my arms..... Suddenly I felt suffocating dominance towards me. I began to cough lightly. I slowly opened my eyes and saw HIM... he was looking at me like he is gonna burry me alive. I started to repel his power with mine... TRIED... key word here!

And suddenly my baby steered in my arms "Can you please keep your shit in check master? Your aura is annoying!" she muttered and a strong wave of power was aimed towards him and he staggered a little. Gasps and murmurs were heard. The suffocating aura was merely annoying my little baby! I chuckled and smirked at him who was glaring daggers at me...

There she is my little baby to my aid!

There she is my little baby to my aid!

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I was sleeping and felt master's aura little bit more lethal. Annoying if you ask me. I stirred in baba's arms and felt him repelling master's power. TRYING... frankly! "Will you please keep your shit in check master? Your aura is annoying!" I said irritated and send a wave of power which will repel his power. Gasps and murmurs were heard. I frowned. What's going on? I opened my eyes and glanced at identical pair of eyes. My baba! I smiled and snuggled in him.

He wrapped his arm tightly and protectively around me and glared at someone. SOMEONE? HIM! I literally face palmed and looked at him. His body was rigid, face was emotionless but his eyes held amusement! "So you are finally awake pretty baby! And one thing I asked you to do and you failed!" he said in his deep cold voice which send shivers down my body. All around in his room which I notice now the temp is in negative and all are shivering! Kings too except baba because he has my heat and aura around him. Yeah one thing to keep my self safe!

I pouted and crawled at the edge of bed and half standing with my knees bend I came face to face with him. "I know!But if that arrow hit him than he was not gonna survive! You know that!" I explained like I was explaining a toddler. "Oh yeah! And whose mistake is that? He was being irresponsible!" he said exparted. Silence befelled in the room. If you move your finger your bone movements can be heard with advance hearing.

I sighed. "Calm your aura down master! You are suffocating people! It's not needed!" I said. "CALM DOWN! CALM DOWN! ROSE! You know what I am fucking exaggerating! 'Begani shaadi mein Abdullah diwana' is the feeling I am feeling right now! If something would have happened to you I was gonna burn whole world!" he yelled in his deep baritton voice. People shivered and tremble in surrounding. (In someone else marriage Abdullah is being mad like it's his)

I giggled." Yesterday was your marriage were you mad? Yeah you were totally mad! "I said and laughed throwing my head back. He sighed and slumped his shoulder. A small smile playing on his lips." From whole speech you just got this! You are so innocent pretty baby! I just left you for couple of hours and this happened! God help me to kill if you were hurt more then...." he said. I pouted and said "God is busy master. But I can help you to kill! We can definitely try on Liza ...!" I said excitedly jumping on bed.

Deep laugh like ringing bells were heard from his mouth and he picked me up from bed and kissed my head. Just like that his aura was back to normal... As normal.. As it can be... Nor deadly suffocating anymore. I was in his arms safe and giggling that was the trick! "You are an adorable little thing!" he said. I giggled.

"Aren't you little adorable thing rosy?" ashy asked mimicking his deep barriton voice and failing miserably. I narrowed my eyes and said to her "Oh ashy darling... Still alive!" I faked gasp. "Yeah bitch! In a flash." she said and we high fied and laughed. A low growl rumbled from his chest and I swooned. "Mind your words ash!" he said lowly. "Shut up ramu kaka(servent) she is MY sista!" she said. He growled again. And I snuggle inside his chest. "shh... Master she is evil witch!" I said. He hummed. "So what happened?" I asked sleepily from master's arms. He was now on his bed comfortably and I was sleeping on his chest. Others were sitting on couch and chairs. Baba was lying lazily beside us and yawning. Brave man he is! Master was scowling at him. "Keep your attitude in check pup!" baba shot at master. "Yes maan daddy!" he replied and pouted.

I was surprised. "What? He is my God father!" Master replied. "He is father to almost 90%people I meet!" I rolled my eyes sarcastically. Baba and ram chuckled. "You know he is your father too right?" Arjun said and Rudy nodded vigorously. "Oh really! I didn't know!" I mocked surprise. "Leave it! She is queen bitch ajju!" Ashley said and pouted at her mate.

"Ahh... Feeling sorry for him witch! Don't! Because he is in way better position and condition than you darling!" I fired back. "And I thought we are sisters! Bitch!" she retorted. "Unfortunately without choice!" I sneered back. "Enough!" baba warned. She pouted and I snuggle inside master's chest more.

"Rose you know that he has mate somewhere out there! And here you are shamelessly throwing yourself in him publicly!" Liza bit out harshly. "Aren't you one hypocritical bitch liza? I mean yesterday you were going to marry him knowing full well that he has a mate somewhere out there?" I bit out sarcastically. "Liza!" baba warned. "Back stabbing bitch please!" Ashley retorted. "Atleast she is not cheating or whoring around with zero self respect like you cagna!" master spat. Baba growled loudly. "Enough pups!" he said. "Master..." I wishpered for him to stop.

And to divert the topic I asked in queen voice... "So what about creature......."

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