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The two most powerful warriors are
Patience and Time.



So this is the final battle of HIS QUEEN AND
Your Author as in me will try her best to make
It as magical and as phenomenal it can.
Now there are people who needs images
To imagine and feel the scene! Don't worry!  I would
Provide you with images which will be described in
Mighty details! So people who are not fan of images can
Ignore them! It will not change anything!

So my amazing readers...
Wear your armors and get ready!!
Because a single chapter is not gonna give it justice!
Get ready to fight with Siya and Ram!!!

Wear your armors and get ready!! Because a single chapter is not gonna give it justice!Get ready to fight with Siya and Ram!!!#Siyani!!!

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                Mighty Hades and Graceful Selena were looking down their domain with hitched breath! Finally it was time of WAR!! The one which started against their son and daughter eons ago!! The war in which evil won was to be fought again! Nobody knows who and what to choose! Nothing has changed,yet everything has changed! Mighty warriors like Lazarus son of alzar are not present this time! Creatures that were predictable are not so predictable now! Still a part of memory of THE QUEEN is fogged. Maybe it can be crucial...May be not!

                  Never in their entire existence Hades and Selena were this much clueless about the near future. It was rare when Fates themselves had left the pages of future blank to write a personalized story in time! And today was the rarest of the rare day when Fates had not only put the pages blank but also offered the ink of destiny in the hands of people involved in it! Per say the number of people affected and involved were in thousands and each and every person's decision mattered in the end result whether it was just a soldier, General or one of The king himself!!!

                   And for the divine gods themselves this was not usual! This was something they had never seen or expected and they would probably never see anything like this in future! Hades and Selena were determined to help their children in restoring ethopia in any way they can! But Alas! They possessed only limited permissions to mendle themselves!  For the first time in forever they themselves were clueless of what future holds!

                 Are Siya and Ram going to win? Will Ethopia regain it's natural peace? Or the heroes are gonna get defeated once again? Will the defeat will end the story of Ethopia in darkness or will the cycle of rebirth will continue after eons?Against all odds they were ready to fight the battle with their children Together! And then after taking a deep breath selena clasped her smooth soft palm in Hades's rough big palm!

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