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If she is alive he is her heart beat and if he is breathing then she is his breath....



Suddenly I felt someone nudge my foot under the table which made me jerk out of my thoughts. I look towards Master with fearful eyes under my eyelashes. "Little one." I heard his deep velvety voice in my head which startled me. It was so new to me that I began breathing hard. "Shh.. Calm down. I am just mindlinking you." he said again in my head in soothing voice.

I breathe out astounded. As I was not accepted and mark scented (A ceremony done to any baby by their parents when they are borned. Father run his feral or beast scent on his baby to accept and claim the baby as his) by my father as the citizen of his kingdom, I have never been able to use mindlink. And as I am not claimed by my mate also I can only use my mindlink on people when I am in charge as queen. So I have only heard voice of certain handful of people in my head. His calm and soothing voice was like a heaven.

"Can baby talk too...?" I asked trying in my mind, if he can here me or not. A melodious chuckle drifted in my head which made my heart skip a beat. "Yeah baby I can hear you love." he replied. My heart soared hearing him say love to me.

"Did.. Did.. You felt the.. The.. Bon.. Bond...?" I asked uncertainly. He sighed and replied "Yes. I did this evening for first time. Effect of liza's love potion is fading." he replied sighing with shoulders slumped. I frowned. "Are you sad Master? Do not want baby?" I asked defeated. I was almost gonna cry. He perked up. "No.. No.. No... It's just.. It's I.. Am angry on myself! I was influenced by some strong shit and I did so much wrong to you. I thought liza was my soul mate. I wanted to love, cherish and give my world to her... My MATE! AND in doing so I hurted you, tortured you, beat you.. My mate! Who I wanted to keep happy and cherished. "he finally said.

I was confused. First I felt him as my mate. Like butterflies in your stomach, giddy feeling and all that but when he verbally accepted liza as his mate I felt like my heart is gonna rip out. So much pain! And than his every day reminders that he is not my mate verbally and physically made me to believe that. Now I only feel bond and some care for him but not the butterflies.. Sense of security.. Giddiness... Trust... Etc.

"No master! Don't feel bad. Baby no your mate! Baby don't feel butterflies, giddy... Giddy and safe with you. Mate feel all this baby read it. First when baby came of age, baby felt it for some time. But when you accepted's all gone! Now baby only feels thin rope like bond and baby cares for you. Maybe even like you master but baby do no love you. "I explained in baby language in mindlink. He was startled in his seat. He scrunched his eyebrows and looked at me. I immediately looked down." Baby... You don't feel mate bond little one... Oh God! I am so.. So.. Sorry... Pretty baby. Please... Please... Give me a chance! Master just want a chance baby... Master.. So... Sorry... Please.." he looked like he was about to cry! I got startled with wide eyes." No.... No.. Master don't cry! If Master cry baby too cry! I... I... Will give chance... Friends... Let's be friends like before? "I asked desperately in hope of he does not break down in front of all. He has gone through rough day.

" okay.... Ok...I understand baby. We will take things slow... Let's be best friends like before! I like you so much baby! "he said with small smile on outside and big grin on inside. Seeing his excitement I bounce on my seat" Baby likes you too master. "and I returned a grin." You are so cute little one. Now eat. You have not touched anything. Food is delicious! "hearing his complement my heart soared. But then I asked confused" Eat? But today baby do no work and baby ate banana in morning. Small.. Small banana. And master didn't gave permission to eat? "I asked.

Chocked sob left pass his lips and I panicked. Immediately I gave him glass of water and patted his back.
" What did you eat before banana and how much time ago? "he enquired blankly. Fear of punishment oozed out of every pore of my body." Uh.. Baby.. Ate... Bread piece before two days... Baby.. Forgot to take master's permission... I swear it was smmaall... Little piece only. Baby was hungry.. For four days! Baby.. So... Sorry.. So.. Sorry.. No... Beating.. Baby!" I began to shiver out of fear.

He gently took my hand and started rubbing gentle soothing circles on back of my palm calming me a little." Baby.. Master.... He is so sorry... Now you don't need any permission from Master. You can eat and do anything you want. Mater will never beat you again my baby! Master is so sorry!" he Said with sad eyes. "Really! No beating baby? No permissions?" I asked excitedly. He smiled and nodded vigorously. I gave him big smile. "Master will feed his baby all the delicious food baby made from his own hands." he announced. I got too excited and giddy "Yay! But baby can't eat much food. As baby has not eaten for so many years baby Has two knots in stomach. One big and one small. Doctors said to eat healthy food like veggies. But baby do not like veggies. Eww.. Baby needs to eat little little. So knots get dissappear. Baby thought to do operation when it fills whole stomach. But now baby can eat! I want to eat chocolate, ice cream, pizza.... "I began to ramble happily in mindlink and stopped only when I heard another choked sob from his lips.

I quickly gave him some water." Is everything all right prince? We are observing you both for nearly fifteen minutes. You are ready to cry anirudh and she is gonna go in panic attack any time." King atharva's voice burst our little bubble and we looked at every eye that was on us with confusion and concern. I gulped." just told that she is tired from all the energy depletion of the day and I was just asking her to eat something. She has not eaten anything whole day like us." he replied. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Are you sure anirudh because dinner is almost done and your both plates are untouched . Rose has even not started to take plate yet. Both of you were lost in each other's eyes." Baba added. "Every thing is fine sir. It's just I don't have habit to eat more in tartrus so I didn't bother to take plate. I was just gonna sleep but prince here has other ideas." I said smirking at master "Ah.. So.. You only speak outside the mindlink little one! I see. Game is on!" he wishpered in my mind and I giggled not so silently.

"Yes. I have manyyy... Thingssss.... In myyy... Mind!" master exclaimed and scoop some mac and cheese in his spoon and place it near my lips smiling. Gasps were heard seeing Prince anirudh playful after many years. "Game on master! Baby never loose!" I replied folding my arms at my chest and my nose in air and opened my mouth to eat.

Hmmmm...... It was heaven on earth...I tried each and every dish I have made with Mac and cheese and brownie with chocolate ice cream becoming my favorite." Guess I am a good cook then?" I asked Master aloud. He pretended to think by scratching his chin and replied "Guess you are the only one that can cook rather than best!" and burst out laughing. I hit his arm playfully and pouted. Not so bad day at last.....

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