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You do not cross my mind.. You live in it....



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I was just gonna leave when a call rang on the official line. To distract myself I took the phone. "Siya speaking." I answered. "Again too cold Mia Regina?" he asked in that deep husky voice that sends shiver down my spine. A small smile instantly graced my face. As he was online everyone can see his green eyes and red lips smirking hiding in that black royal mask. His stuble made him look more appealing." Is it Prince Anirudh? Wow. How do you do your highness?" Aarush mocked. Aarush considered him as his role model. He was younger than ram just some months but ram's charachter and his ruling was inspirational for not only Aarush but all the young princes. And the same with ice princess. But as you know my king never payed attention to anyone than me. He can see whole assembly sitting there. "I am doing fine Aarush now please give me side as I have more pressing matters than merely greeting people." he said curtly in his cold business voice with no emotions.

"Of course your highness." seeing his no nonsense mood Aarush slide back to his seat politely. Than I stood up and stepped towards the screen. And we all heard his breath hitched. "What are you wearing Mon amore." now my confidence was shattered. If he was gonna scold me than I will definitely cry in front of all. He saw the emotions swirling in my eyes and flicked his wrist. My clothes were changed in something like this....

 My clothes were changed in something like this

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It was gorgeous. Everyone gasped. Today everyone saw the power and magic of THE KING!! Miles away he changed my clothes with just flick of his fingers. "Aren't you looking gorgeous and ravishing Amore mio?" he asked. And I sniffed softly. Then I smiled at him. "Hmm... Stuble looks good on you Mon Rex ." I said. He chuckled.

"Well.. Well.. Well.. Aren't you taken with someone my king?" Aarush said. "When two powerful elders are talking with their nosy... Younger non powerful people don't put their nosy in their matter! Didn't Maan daddy taught you?" Anirudh taunted. Dad growled. "Ram! Enough. Don't drag dad into it!" I said sharply. He nodded. "Bad day love?" he asked. I pouted and nodded. "Did you ate breakfast?" he asked. I shook my head. "Did you ate lunch?" he again asked. I shook my head. He then slamed his palm on his desk.

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