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Choose me or lose me!
I am not a backup plan!
And definitely not a second choice......


The one who protects him and chooses him instead of her life is his queen 👑...


Dedicated to Priyapadmanabhan

Dedicated to Priyapadmanabhan

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             There are different types... Some easy... Some more difficult...Depending upon what is to be chosen and what are their values and consequences respectively.

             This moment is the same for me. Everything is frozen at the moment. You would think it's only a choice. No big deal. She is just overreacting. On one side was a man because of whom I have my life.I looked towards him for an intense moment. Taking him in for a long second. His raven hair, sharp and polished features,fierce personality was still as intact as I remembered. His authority and power was if possible running even more deeper then before. The only thing that truely changed was amount of maturity in his eyes. That dark chocolate brown pools of eyes that became more mature and calculating even more then before in these past few years.

             Still when he looked at me matching my gaze with identical chocolate brown pools, for a minute a shiver ran down my body like he can see straight past my soul like he could from the moment I was first born. By looking at his sharp features  and chisled  face you can't imagine that he was really near 40s in human years and in ethopian maybe more than 100 years old. But still today when I looked straight in his eyes there were different emotions swirling in our both pools of chocolate browns. Anger, calculation, high guard,authority, determination etc were in his eyes with lots of questions. And in mine? Let's just say if you looked closely the strongest emotions would be admiration and adoration.

                  And then my gaze flickered to another side, the man for whom I am still alive. His young, hard yet regal features were enough to make your knees weak. His sharp jaw line, dark mid night black hair,soft as silk and the sprinkle of methodical beared around his jaw line and lower face was enchanting. The defined muscle and abs on his delectable body can be observed miles afar through the thin white silk shirt he has worn today. The black vest and dark black suit jacket adorned with jewels, ornaments and precious materials long discarded which adorned his regal and lethal body earlier today.

               Every flex of muscle, every movement of his draws attention, admiration and straigh away respect. His 29 years of body was at start of it's prime age. Mature, authorative and regal. But the most attractive part that makes my knees go weak each and every time I looked towards him were his eyes. His light emerald green eyes.His pupil was dark black covered with golden shining boundary line and his light forest green eyes with golden specs were so attractive that when the tender sun rays fall on it the golden in his eyes would sparkle like regal gold surrounding precious emerald gem stones. But the coldness, harshness and rage in that beautiful eyes would make people quier in fear. Now you must be thinking this is a crazy love triangle, a waste of time. But no it's much more.

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