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You are not what everyone says... You are what you believe and make everyone to watch....



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HER POV.....

I open my eyes when I felt something soft touching my face. "Ashy... Princess.. Don't come to me if she kick your ass after what you are doing!" my baba said. And then I closed my eyes again pretending to sleep. "Oh hush papa. You know that the assembly needs her now! And more than that.. That prince of hers has called thousands time till now. And moreover I don't want her to die in library! See.. I brought all the royals to drag her to assembly!!" she jumped happily. I growned inaudibly.

" And ashy darling I would be first to offer flowers to your grave if she kills you. "said Liza." Of course bitch! (baba coughs) I mean sister! " she said. I smirked." Aarush bhai is returning today!! "ashy yelled excitedly. I groaned." Seems like bitch is waking up! (baba coughs again) I mean S. I. S. T. E. R! "Liza spoke. And then a weight jumped on me and nearly knocked my breath away!" Wakey.... Wakey... Rise and shine!! "ashy sang." God!! Get off me you baboon! "I said and shifted. She tumbled face first on ground.

" Daddy... She threw me to ground!!! "ashy whined." Oh my daughter!! My precious daughter!! You are alive!! Thank God!! "baba exclaimed. And whole room was filled with laughter. Sure I got sarcasm from him. I chuckled. I got up with my eyes closed. I felt my baba sitting on comfortable rocking armchair lite far. I walked towards him with my eyes close and kicking ashy's shin porposely on the way. "Ow... You bitch!" she exclaimed. "Language young lady!" I reprimand with smirk.

I felt daddy and snuggled in his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. "Today we are gonna need you little baby." he sighed. I snuggled deeper. "Good morning daddy." I Said. "Morning baby. I know you are not feeling like it. But yeah I need you." he said. I opened my eyes and smiled brightly at him. His smiling face already made my day.

I was wearing ripped jeans and blue shirt with Doc

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I was wearing ripped jeans and blue shirt with Doc. Martin boots. Not so professional I know... But hey! It states that I don't feel like doing anything today!

❛ 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 ❜ | 𝖑𝖆 𝖘𝖚𝖆 𝖗𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖆 Where stories live. Discover now