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No one expects an angel princess  to set the world on fire.... But beware she is the QUEEN OF DEVIL 🔥......



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I was sitting on the throne quite pissed. A week has passed over here. And I was never in sight of anyone other than in assembly. Wake up, get ready, attain assembly, lunch(skipped oftenly), library, office, dinner(skipped less oftenly), sleep, repeat. This was my schedule. Ashley was pretty annoyed as I didn't give her time though I am here.

Speaking to anyone was out of question. Sometime I only Converse that is answering dad occasionally. But not much as we both are not talkers. Aarush bhai is Comming soon like a movie... Note the sarcasam.

Now about my anger... The mighty prince ANIRUDH RAM RAIZADA!!! Ring a bell guys?? He gifted me a phone that only accepts number of FAMILY! And buissness!! Any other male or FEMALE talking is not allowed. And on speed dial by default only one contect MASTER OF MY UNIVERSE!!! I mean it was cute at first... But imagine when you are in assembly and your phone is connected to main screen explaining the project and suddenly it rings... 'master of the universe calling.... Pick up the phone.. Master of your universe calling babe pick up the phone....' And ringing constantly until you not answer!!!

Imagine my anger and embrassment though I am too stubborn to accept! The kings were laughing like maniacs and everyone else was stern. Well who expected' Ice princess' ❄ contains heart and lover? "So you have a lover princess?" Lisa asked. "Uhh..not so innocent after all huh? What is it in him that you can't find in any other prince?" kaamini added.

I just smiled. "You know Kamini oops kaamini... He. Is. The. God!" And gave her tight evil smile that dared her to speak. Surprisingly she didn't poked. Now my team of 20 science geeks are working on the device without any success to at least remove that ring tone!!! "You bloody useless people it's already an hour and you can't even remove a ring tone! Spare the contact list!!" I bellowed. "Calm down little baby! The phone is custome made technology ⚙ it's not that simple babygirl." my dad soothed.

And again that annoying tune started to blare through my phone. But the thing that amaze me was the contact photo that was inserted recently of when I and him were sitting inside his office and he was talking on phone and I was in his lap.

 But the thing that amaze me was the contact photo that was inserted recently of when I and him were sitting inside his office and he was talking on phone and I was in his lap

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Seeing this suddenly all my anger evaporated. It was so good pic. A small smile grazed my lips. And then I picked the call in the way every one can hear. As everyone was shocked as I was lying on lap of THE 👑 KING. "Siya speaking." I replied.

"Why so cold Mia Regina!" his velvety smooth voice asked. After hearing his voice after days calmed my nerves. A soft sigh escaped my lips. "Because I am in middle of a presentation and you are on speaker Mon Rex." I replied. His melodious chuckled made greedy leeches of princesses and noble ladies in court swoon at THE KING!! I gave a low warning growl to shut them up. "I don't mind Mon amore." he said. "But I do mind! If you have done your work and swoon the ladies than may I proceed my work kind sir?" I sassed. Another heartwarming chuckle was heard and this time my breath hitched. "Jealous Mon Tesoro?" he asked. "Have I any reason given by you to get jealous recently Mio caro?" I asked. And smirked by my sass. "Non at all Cara Mia!! Non at all. You are MINE and so I am YOURS!! But I called you to ask how is the contact photo? I put it on my wallpaper love. I was free after a week love." he asked in same husky deep voice!

"So you can do the change and Controll my phone miles away but not my father's stupid senior high tech team! That stupid ringtone will be death of mine! Change it now!" I ranted. He merely laughed. Was I not that angry, I would have fainted. "None can do love. And yes I can do anything love! It's battle of love! And I. Am. Gonna. Win!!" he challanged.

"So you are challanging me Mon Rex! Don't forget that I am your QUEEN!! AND....... YOU ASKED FOR BATTLE.... I WILL GIVE YOU WAR MON REX!!" I seethed. His melodious laugh made my knees buckle. "I am waiting love! Victory is mine either way Mia Regina!" he said and we ended the call.

There was pin drop silence! Every one was shell shocked. THE KING!!! who never speaks... TALKED.... LAUGHED... TEASED!!! Queen Riya ram's mother ran down her seat and clasped my hands." Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.... So much darling! He CALLED!!!! He himself called!!! He TALKED!!! He LAUGHED, TEASED AND... AND.. SPOKE SWEET WORDS TO YOU!!! You brought my son back! He has not spoken more than ten sentence per day to any of us!! Not even Liza whom he was gonna marry! He never called ME!! His birth MOTHER!! It's 15 years.... I heard him laugh!! Thnx so much sweety!! "she said and kissed my forehead.

I looked at her like she is alien." Speak? Really!! Oh I am ecastic!! Note the sarcasam! Every night from last 15 years I have to bleed my ear hearing his continuous nonsense talk about his equal nonsense day!! Hours!! He screams and curses for hours... And that too without alcohol! Please note the capacity to scream of that man!! And now I know!! He preserves all his energy of the day to scream, mock and insult me every damn night! You know what queen... I don't want to offend or disrespect you.. But I personally prefer him quiet shut uped!! For him this is game!! My feelings... My patience but for me it's not. 'Battle of love!' I don't even know from where he got that ridiculous idea!! It's all so absurd, too fast and ov erwhelming for me! And he... Just don't understand!!!!

I am not something like a toy to him that he can be all goody goody one day and treat like a crap the other. I am THE QUEEN!!I really don't want to offend you but here I am!! The real war is at our heads and he is not helping me to keep myself calm... This is not done!!! At one side he wants me to rule and at other he is overseeing every damn little step I take! I am not his bloody employee!! He Called after week because he was free and n it even considered the situation, the place, the surrounding I am in! I told him I he was on speaker still he started to speak nonsense about love. I know I forgave him and we are best of friends again... More than friends... But LOVE.... I just need time!! I am sorry but I hope you understand queen! "I said distressed and squeezed her hands. She gave me small smile and than I left the assembly not carrying that each and everyobe heard part of my anger and inner turmoil!

First time I felt like sharing something to a motherly figure. But I am not gonna accept it aloud. I took the phone and looked at it with Shock!!!
The phone call was NOT ENDED!!!

I heard heavy breaths from other sides and just cut the call out of fear. HE WAS NOT. EANT TO HEAR!!! HE WAS N OT MEANT TO BE DISTRACTED!! I placed small text of

'We are fine at where we are. Don't get distracted from the target. "

And switched the phone off...

❛ 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 ❜ | 𝖑𝖆 𝖘𝖚𝖆 𝖗𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖆 Where stories live. Discover now