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A way to men's heart is by his stomach.....



I went down to dinning hall and so four kings family (20 people) sitting around each other and gazing at each other. As I went down after taking a shower and changing clothes all eyes were trained on me. I spotted an empty seat between master (anirudh/ram) and Rudy. I furrowed my eyebrow. "What?" I asked.

All of them coughed and avoided the eye contact. And than Rudy began to whine dramatically "Di..di..(big sister) I am hungry. BBC (head chef) was injured due to the battle and adopted dad gave him holiday for three days. Now this royal asses don't know how to cook! And we can't even order anything for this many people at almost midnight! Every one is pointing each other to get up and cook! "he whined.

I chuckled." So mighty royals can't cook even for their life huh? No one even tried? "I asked sitting on empty chair. I heard a grunt from my beside and I tensed momentarily." Ram bhai tried. He is so brave di. He burned a sandwich and fried some tomatoes till they were black. Finally he was gonna experiment something on oven and adopted dad so kindly said 'Oh my brave little warrior! It's already enough damage for today. We don't want our kitchen to get burned down now. Do we? "" he tried to mimick Mr. Atharva' s voice. I laughed out loud with my head thrown back and heard some snickers from young prince and princess.

"Oh! So now we are having fun on my expense huh... Are we? Well let me know when you have enough courage to put your foot in kitchen and enough self confidence to keep my kitchen intact without burning!" A deep irritated velvety voice was heard. And I know hunger was taking a toll on him. I sighed deeply and stood up." Fine!Give me an hour okay! "I replied.

Almost every one's eyes lit up like Christmas. Rudy began to clap and cheer. But to my bad the small(not so small) master's personal standing kitchen  was designed such that people can just enjoy watching me cook in the kitchen. I washed my hands and wore a white apron. I decided to make Mac and cheese, shaahe panzer, parothas, pulav, in sweet kheer(Indian rice pudding) and brownie.

I put pasta to boil on one stove and rice to boil on another. Took a cooker and added some rice, milk, sugar, saffron and elaichi for kheer and put it to get cook. Took out some paneer and dice it. Took out some tomatoes, onions and capsicum and started to dice them also while keeping an eye on pasta, rice and kheer. After that I took a pan and started making  gravy for shaahe paneer with vegetables. I take off cooker of kheer from stove as I felt it is enough cooked and let it cook in the steam of pressure cooker for some time. As gravy was beginning to cook I took out boiled pasta and rice. I did dressing for mac and cheese and put it inside oven for baking.

I put out a pan on stove and started adding spices and vegetables in rice for making pulav. Gravy was almost done when I added light fried paneer pieces into it and let it get cooked. As paneer and pulav was being cooked I started garnishing kheer with dry fruits like almond and raisins. After that I started to add flour, milk and cocoa powder in a bowl and than whisked it with some vanilla essence to make brownie. I added some liquid chocolate too. I put it on baking plate and took out baked Mac and cheese and replace it with brownie batter in oven. Pulav and paneer was made. Mac and cheese and kheer was made. Brownie almost done and then I started making parothas.

I was almost done with enough parothas when oven timmer for brownie went off. I took it out and let it get cooled. And than after finally making everything after two hours in super speed I finally looked up. All were looking at me with wide eyes and jaw dropped. Like they have seen an alien! I furrowed my eyebrows and asked "WHAT?" And all blinked and shook their head dramatically!

I just shrugged and put all the food on table "Serving is self service. So eat everything you take in your plate. If it will be left it will given to hungry poor kids. So no wastage of food I made. Now eat!" I announced. It was past midnight now and all were hungry for whole day. So I doubt anything would be left. I was trained for not eating anything for straight three to four days. I ate a banna today morning so I was just fine.

All started eating like there is no tommorow. Deep moans and grunts of appreciation was heard. All praised my food so much. I got big grin stretched on my face after so many years. I saw my baba eating what I made with gusto and proud. I saw Master eating eagerly like when we were kids. And my day was made! All my hard work was worth. I was just sitting silently and enloying praises and appreciations while sipping water first time in my life.

And trust me.. It was incredible feeling to make my baba and Master proud. In all my life I have only eaten scraps like bread, half rotten fruits, low grade rice, watery bitter soups. In tartrus they were my only companion to survive with my dry hay and grass's bed which I made at the corner of my prison cell to keep me warm. Sometimes I go four days straight without a grain of food.

Suddenly I felt my foot nudged under table which made me startled out of my thoughts. I looked at master fearfully under my eyelashes.....

❛ 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 ❜ | 𝖑𝖆 𝖘𝖚𝖆 𝖗𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖆 Where stories live. Discover now