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She is behind you when you are at your best... She is in front of you when you are at your worst... She is beside you when you are in need... She is your queen 👑......



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"Sleep for now mia Cara. Sleep!" he said. I frowned. "But I need to know about that creature. It feels like I know what is it.... Though I have never seen or heard about it! But I know how vile it can be! What it can be!" I said agitated. And as I remember it dull ache and flashes of something disturbing sweep my head.

" Stop! "he said." Don't try to pressure your head amore mio! Just sleep! "he said. I sighed." Did anyone tried to look into the matter? "I asked." It's all ending at dead end! "Rudy answered. I nodded." Okay! Eat and go to sleep! "I said. All nodded." Be alert with every breath! "master ordered. All nodded." Maan daddy gonna sleep in my room today? "ram asked smirking.

" You wish pup! Just give my little baby back! "he retorted." You can go, I don't mind but I am not gonna give my pretty baby to you! "he said and hugged me tightly." Kid.... I am gonna kick your ass! "baba said." Fine! Who wins can sleep with baby! "ram said. And he put me in between them and started to run! Say what now? And baba was hot on his tail." Are they gonna play hide and seek or run and catch now? "I asked exparted.

" Don't worry kid! They are gonna roam whole palace this way! "Mr. King replied." What is in her that all the males are wrapped around her fingers? "Liza whined." Innocent face cover child! She is nothing more! "kaamini replied. Before anyone can say anything I dispatched a strong aura of dominance for which kaamini fainted and all were shocked!" You are as annoying as housefly Kamini(profanity for woman in Hindi)  oops! Kaamini! " I said and yawned." Clear the mess Arjun. I am going to bring baba and ram. Dump her into a room before I come. And Liza... KEEP. YOUR. DUMB. SHIT. MOUTH. SHUT." I said and moved out of room.

I began to look for two kids in huge castle. I heard laughter of master from the kitchen. All others followed me. Both were at opposite side of each other and circling the middle slab laughing. All people's face lit up in laughter seeing them playing. Suddenly baba leapt up the slab and caught ram from waist and started tickling him. Peels of laughter flowed through their mouth. I ran and help baba tickle ram. And ram tickled me back! We were all laughing like crazy. I just wanted to pause that moment forever. "Okay I am gonna sleep with master tonight." I announced. "YAY!" master said and jumped and fist bumped in air! "Fine!" baba said and pouted.

We went in our room and I slept in master's arms....

We went in our room and I slept in master's arms

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The atmosphere was of twilight. Soft hues of day meeting night was all around. A beautiful lady clad in white Robe was facing the sky with her back....

HER raven hair were like shining in soft light. A handsome man with long hair reaching his shoulders jet black and clad in black armour approached her and took her in his arms. "What are you watching Mia regina ?" he asked. His deep velvety voice was so familiar. It melted my insides.

"Nothing just admiring the nature my king." she replied snuggling in his arms. He started to give wet mouth kisses from her ear to her neck and shoulder blade. She moaned softly and tired her neck to give him more excess. The night was blooming fully by the time he was passionately kissing her soft pink lips.

Suddenly a screetch was heard. CREATURE!! It was like mouldy green lizard with deformed hands and long green tail...

At the very moment the creature lunged at her and he cut it's throat and detached it's head from it's body in a second in neat flick of his wrist

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At the very moment the creature lunged at her and he cut it's throat and detached it's head from it's body in a second in neat flick of his wrist. She was startled and tucked in his arms. But the real shock was when the body growed the head and head regenerated the body and began to screetch aggressively...

Now there was two creatures instead of one...

They lunged at them and....


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"No..... No.. No...."


"You are fine mon are safe love.." I was in his arms. Master was hugging me tightly. I was just in his white shirt and he was in his black track pants with bare chest. I was hugging his bare chest tightly..

He was soothing me in his calm voice." Let's go for walk love. "he said.
He pick me up in bridle style and we were off to walk!" I saw something confusing and horrible master! "I wishpered." What you saw love? "he asked. Whenever he say love my stomach explodes with butterflies!

" I saw a beautiful lady and handsome man in a garden enjoying sunset and kissing. "I said. He chuckled." Well love it's not horrible as long as the man and woman is you and I. "he replied. I smacked his chest playfully." I didn't see their face properly... But they were so close. But the alarming thing was suddenly they were attacked by the creature and the man cut his throat but it regenerated and there were two of them now. They were ready to lunge again but I got panicked and woke up. "I completed.

" Well love more like woke up screaming! But you are right about one thing the creature can regenerate from it's organ and can be doubled in number. "he said." So how can we kill it! We do not have that many no. Of enchanted arrows! "I panicked. He clutched me more tightly and said.." Love don't worry about that now! I know what it is! You slept thinking about that creature so it came to your dreams. Now we have to change the topic of your thinking! "he said excitedly..." Which is? "I asked.

" ME... "He replied smirking.....

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