Chapter 30

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Technoblade Pov:

I revived a new letter from Wilbur yesterday.

It frightened me what was written in it.

Apparently Schlatt has returned from exile, he hasn't done anything to us, but I know [Y/N] was close to him before I banned him from my lands.

The problem is, she doesn't know that.

She thought he just left her alone.

If he gets the chance to talk to her, she will find out the truth.

I will help Wilbur, just for the sake of getting completely rid of Schlatt.

I sighed „[Y/N]! Come to me please"

„Yes your majesty?" she came to me from across the hall and bowed

„You remember L'Manberg and the Dream SMP?"

„Of course I do your majesty"

„Good, because we will be traveling back there, but only us two for now."

„We will?" she looked up to me, and for the first time in five years, I think I saw her eyes glow in excitement again.

„Yes, so go and pack your stuff"

She bowed again „yes your majesty" then she walked away


Dream Pov:

„Schlatt, you will Stop taking down the walls Right Now" I glares at him

„No, why should I?" he smiled evilish back at me

„Because i said so, and if you don't want another war, you'll put them back up!"

„Dream, oh Dream, you Really think you can beat me? Buddy you're outnumbered"

I growled „George and Sapnap are stronger than you think, and I still have two other kingdoms on my side to fight you!"

He laughed „Sapnap and George? Theses two?" he pointed behind himself at two people with the
L'Manberg Uniform, staring at me coldly

My eyes widen »Why are they with him?!,no,no,no,no what?!«

„What Are you two doing on his side I don't un-„

„Sorry Dream, but it's the best thing we can do right now" George simply answered

„We don't have another choice" Sapnap looked at me

They both got closer sorry"

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