Chapter 36

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TW: Swearing| mention of depression, selfharm and try's to commit suicide

Technoblade Pov:

„The idea is simple!"

»I don't like where this is going«

„We will blow Manberg, together with Schlatt, Quackity and all of those traitors, up"

„Wilbur what the fuck?! Our friends are in there! [Y/N] is in there!"

„Don't worry, we'll get them out first."

„What if you fail?! You can't be sure that all of them are out when it blows up!"

„Exactly! You could kill someone! You could kill Tubbo!" Tommy joined my side

„It's too risky guys" Eret joined in too

„But it's the best chance we have" Dream argued

I shake my head „No! We're not doing this! I won't risk loosing

„Shut up Techno! Nobody cares about what you think!"


„Shut up Dave! Nobody cares about what you think!"

I was pushed to the ground by a kid I used to call my friend.

„I don't...I don't understand...what did I do wrong?...."

„You half killed your god damn brother! He's cooler than you anyways! Nobody really likes you you stupid crybaby!"

„I...I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to hurt him.....I didn't mean it...."

-skip to another memory |TW start, if you don't want to read this, skip the flashback|-

„Dave, I no longer accept you in this household, I'm sorry but it's too dangerous to keep you here, I'm scared that you might accidentally hurt or kill your little brother. I can't risk that."

„But..but Dad! I don't want to leave! This ..this is my was an accident! We..we were just...just training!"

„Dave, you will be brought to the neighborhood kingdom, Pogtopia. The king and queen are willing to raise you as prince of Pogtopia"

„ please don't! I don't...I don't want to leave" I teared up.

-skip to another memory-

I was sitting in my room, alone.

Nothing new by now.

I don't have anyone anymore.

Only my "parents".

I hate it here.

I stared down at the bloody bandages infront of me

»when will the pain stop?...«

A knock on my door

„Techno, greet your new personal guard"

„Hello Techno!" a beautiful young girl looked at me with a bright smile and sparkling [e/c] eyes, like she never experienced anything bad in this world.

-flashback end-


„Techno! Can you hear us?!"

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