Chapter 39

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A/N: sorry, but I'd like to quickly borrow some of your time. I just wanted to thank all of you for 20k reads, which is truly amazing. Together with that I want to say thank you for voting on my story, we've reached more than 700 votes by now, which I never expected. And to the people who followed me from this book on, thank you too! We reached 32 followers ^^!that's it, enjoy the chapter!


Tommy Pov:

Tubbo didn't come.

He left me here, completely alone.

»he said he would be here!«

I sat down outside the cave disappointedly.

I could see Eret returning to the cave, and he definitely didn't look happy.

„What happened?" I was curiousness I wanted to get my mind away from Tubbo

„[Y/N] doesn't like the idea, she wants to talk to Wilbur."

„Well what did you guys expect? Her friends are in there too, and I don't think she wants to risk them dying"

„Still, she might do something reckless just to stop Wilbur or save someone if something goes wrong"

„Then stop Wilbur, this is absolutely the wrong thing to do"

„Tommy, I know you don't like the idea, Techno doesn't like it either, but I think Wilbut has gone too far by now, we can't stop him anymore, even if we tried"

I sighed „Tch, at least I am trying"


Wilbur Pov:

I finally finished placing all the tnt under L'Manberg and connected it to the button.

I went back to the cave since I was very exhausted.

Eret was walking towards me when I walked  inside  the cave.

„Wilbur! We gotta talk"


„[Y/N], she want to talk to you"


„Your plan, I suggest you two meet up"

„No, my mind is set, there's no need to talk to her. I will blow this shit up"

„Wilbur, maybe you should tr-„

„No! I will blow it up! If I can't have L'Mamberg, no one! No one can!"


I angrily stormed off into a deeper part of the cave.


[Y/N] Pov:

I finished helping Fundy with making decorations for the festival.

It was pretty fun actually, Fundy is a very kind person.

I went back to my small cottage.

On the way there I ran into Vincent.

„Hey [Y/N], where are you going?"

„Hey Vince, I'm going back to my cottage, why?"

„Oh, That's cool, I was just wondering"

„Oh, alright, we'll see you around"

„See you" he smiled and waved a bit as I walked away

-2 Days later| Day of the festival, 1 hour before the beginning-


A/N: Sorry it short again 😅 I hope you still enjoy this, we're getting very close to the final. I think it might only be 2-3 chapters until the end of book 1 is reached :)

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