Chapter 10

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(Funfakt: me: I should Continue writing| me literally two seconds later: *does everything except writing*)

Technoblade Pov:
I growled at the person infront of me „George" (I bet u thought it was Dream ÙwÚ) . The brown haired boy smiled evilish at me „Technoblade! Hey man, long time no see. How are you?" „Tch, don't play nice right Now and hand her over" George still smiles „Sorry, but I can't give you Dreams beautiful hostage. He trusted me with bringing her to a safe place, since those L'Manberg idiots just left a poor injured lady alone." I got my netherite sword out and walked closer to him „I said hand her over! I think you're forgetting the fact that we are way more people than you! You're outnumbered!" He smiled again „and you're forgetting who's life is in my hands right now, so you better stop walking." I froze in my action 'damn it, he's right!' „By the way, Dream wants to meet up with you, so you better go to the community house right now" He turned away „See you soon, god of blood" He then pearled away with my precious girl.
(I decided to make Pov changes like that now, what do you guys think? Is that better?)

Wilbur Pov:
Tommy and I were still running back to that hill, I think George came past us, but that doesn't matter right now. (If you knew Wilbur, if you knew) We have to focus on making sure [Y/N] is save, and check if Dream destroyed anything in L'Manberg. Tommy suddenly screeched which let me flinch in surprise. I looked back at him „Tommy, what the fuck?" He stared at me „what?" he pointed somewhere behind me, I turned around just to see an arrow being shot at me. I dodged, more arrows started to go towards us. There was the group of soldiers again, they looked angered. Some boy with light brown hair and devil horns suddenly went to the front and tapped someone with pink hair and a crown on the shoulder, I guess that the pink haired one is their leader. A moment later they stopped shooting at us and the one with the crown walked towards us. Tommy directly backed up „Wilbur! I think this is the right moment to run!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him back „No, what if they did something to [Y/N]? Or what if they know her and know if something happened to her? What if they Are her friends, the ones who could help us win this war?" I could see Tommy's doubt in his eyes. „If you say so Wilbur, you're the president. It's up to you" I nodded and smiled thankfully at him, for trusting me. The man stood now infront of us „who are you and on what side are you?" „My name is Wilbur, I am the president of
L'Manberg, behind me is Tomny, my right hand man." He looked at me and nodded a bit, giving a hand sign to the group behind him, they walked towards us now. I noticed that Tommy got more nervous but still decided to stay. I'm thankfull for that, he really is loyal. The man spoke up again „My name is Technoblade, I am the king of Pogtopia, we are currently at war with the Dream Smp, and we could need help" My eyes widen in surprise „Well, as you may know, we're at war with Dream too and need help. So we would offer you an deal. You help us win our independence, and we help you out with whatever you want to get out of this war" He looked critically at me, the boy with the devil horns just nodded at Technoblade „we need [Y/N] back, your majesty. You should agree" Tommy looked surprised after hearing our new friends name, and i probably looked the same because Technoblade looked at us questioning „why so surprised? Do you know her?" I slowly nodded „yes, we do. We found her in a valley. I guess you're her king she wanted to go back to so desperately." He just stared „I guess so. But back to the deal, we accept your deal, you better stay with your word, else you could easily make yourself a new enemy" He stretched out his hand, which I shook to settle our deal. „I shall never break our deal, mister Technoblade"

A/N: so, this chapter could've been out two hours ago. But I was too lazy and decided to watch some Tommyinnit, I'm sorry my dear readers that I betrayed you like this. I better get to the point now. So, THANK YOU ALL SO DAMN MUCH! I NEVER EXPECTED THIS TO GET SO MANY READS IN THESE FEW DAYS! THANK YOUUUU! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Love y'all! Stay safe and have a great day!

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