Chapter 16

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Wilbur Pov:

„[Y/N]!" Tommy ran towards them and wanted to hug her, but Dream stopped him with his sword „move back to your president. You won't touch her until I allow it"

„Holy shit, calm down dude" Tommy just rolled his eyes.

I sighed „Tommy, get back here. We don't need a fight right now."

he just stared back at me „yeah, whatever"

Dream looked at me and smiled evilish „so you've come to surrender?"

I frowned „no, I came to make a deal with you. You give us our independence and [Y/N] and we give you one of the discs. That's what we want"

„That's nice and all. But do you know what I want? I want white flags outside your base by tomorrow! Or she dies!" Dream glares at me while [Y/N] just sighed

Tommy instead snapped „Dream! You green son of a bitch! Don't fucking threaten us! You know what?! I will 1v1 you right now! You green motherfucker!"

„Tommy! Tommy calm! Your passion will get us nowhere!" I tried to calm him down.

Dream smiled „alright, we will 1v1. What Are the conditions?"

Tommy glares „ ten paces, both of us on half a heart, one arrow and a bow. If I win, L'Manberg gets its independence and we
get [Y/N] back. If you win you get your land back and one of the discs will be yours"

„Dream, I just want to say that Tommy doesn't speak for me"

Dream stretched out his hand „I am okay with those conditions. So let's start, shall we?"

A/N: I am super sorry for the late update TwT I hope you guys enjoyed and have a great day/night! Byeeeee love you all! ^^

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