Chapter 19

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PoV [Y/N]:

George came back with Dream and Sapnap a few minutes later.

I greeted them „hey guys" I smiled

They both quickly went to my side and hugged me „we were so scared you absolute moron!"

I hugged them back „not even close bitch, [Y/N] never dies!" a precious line I picked up from my king

My king.....Technoblade...Dave...Jesus, I didn't give a single thought to him the whole time... I'm an horrible soldier! No, a horrible personal guard! And a bad friend...."

I think they noticed my mood going down „[Y/N]? Are you okay?"

I tried to get up but they didn't let me „[Y/N] you still need to rest"

I shook my head „No..I need to go back to my King"

Dream sighed
Dream Pov:

I sighed, I almost forgot about Technoblade and her being part of Pogtopia. I guess I got too used to her being around, and probably way too attached to her.

„Are you sure you want to leave?... I mean, you like it here, right?"

She looked at me, for my confusion with not a single emotion on her face „I do like it here, but I still need to go back. I owe this to him and I have good friends in Pogtopia too, I can't betray them like this"

I looked away, knowing exactly she's right. „but you said Techno doesn't give you any freedom, here you're free, isn't that way better? You said you desire freedom..."

She got up, she was shaking a bit „I guess I said that, but that doesn't change the fact what I have to do. You should see it like that, if I'm lucky he maybe let's me meet up with you guys"

George looked very sad and extremely hurt „you can't just leave us now! What if Techno doesn't let you meet up with us? [Y/N], you can't risk your life for us at one moment and at the next moment leave us!"

She looked at him „I'm sorry George.....I'm sorry Y'all"

Sapnap Just stayed silent, and looked away „if you really want to leave, then go, but don't expect me to just greet you happily and with open arms the next time we see each other"

Now she looked a bit hurt „I understand.....goodbye" with that said she went out of the community house.

A/N: heyyyyyyyy! I'm back, thank the German internet for that, cause our online school server crashed so I have time:) anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

By the way, quick question: Reading night? (Around 5 chapters being written directly after each other)



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