Chapter 12

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[Y/N] Pov:
I woke up with a slight pain at the back of my head. I slowly sat up and looked around, the pain getting worse. I found myself sitting in a bed in a small wooden room. Someone knocked on the door and then walked in „hello, my name is George. Dream sent me to check on you and to bring you some food." George gently smiled at me and put the food down on a small table next to me. Thank you George, I'm fine. My head just hurts a bit." he nodded „alright, well I will take my leave again and check on you later" Saying that he left the room again, leaving me alone in here.

-Time skip-

Darryl Pov:
Scince our king has decided to join
L'Manberg in the war, Dream rarely showed up. I mean, it's been 4 weeks after we joined them and we only saw Dream and his team twice. Well, that was until yesterday. Dream and George showed up at L'Manbergs gate to make an announcement. They said if we don't surrender, they will hurt [Y/N]. The king and Wilbur are talking about what to do now since then. I am honestly worried, we could easily beat them by now, but they still have [Y/N] so we can't attack them. On the other hand we could try to free her but that means we would have to leave
L'Manberg, giving Dream a chance to attack. So it's all a bit more complicated than we thought. Me for my part, I just want my little muffin back home, where she's safe. Sadly, that haves to wait. I sighed and leaned against a tree when my king and Wilbur walked out. „We made our decision"

A/N: I am super sorry for the late update! It's been stressful the past few days and I didn't have my mobile today. So I'm super sorry!

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