Chapter 1

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[Y/N] Pov:

I walked down the ice blue river, not really knowing where I'm going.

I was kicked out of another Kingdom again, and I'm only 11.

I looked around to see a few cows walk past me. I smiled. 'The weather is nice today, and it's warm, I should be fine if I don't find a place to stay for tonight'

I kept walking until I bumped into something, or better said, someone. „Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry miss! I didn't look where I was going!"

A boy around my age with glasses and brown hair looked at me worriedly. „It's fine" I smiled a bit, he smiled back brightly.

What's your name miss?" He asked me.

My name is [Y/N]"

I was staring at him, he smiled more and stretched his hand out „Nice to meet you [Y/N]! My name is Darryl! Welcome to Pogtopia!"

A/N: this is the first chapter of my first book, yayyyy 😅 I hope you like it. I'm sorry it's short, but I had to make a cut here so it makes sense. But to make it up to you guys, I'll update two chapters every day! At least I'll try, it may be more or less ;)

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