Chapter 25

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Reading night 4/4

[Y/N] Pov:

»Even though Dave, oh my goodness it sounds weird calling him that, even though he said I made the right decision, it doesn't feel right.«

I was in a small house I was allowed to stay in.

I just curled up a bit »I didn't mean to hurt them so bad.....I never meant upset Sapnap so much...I messed up....«

A tear rolled down my face »what am I supposed to do?!.....I just wish someone would tell's easier ... I miss the old times, where everything was just easy and I didn't have to worry about a thing....«

I pulled my legs closer to my chest

Skeppy walked in and I quickly wiped my tear away

Skeppy looked at me „[Y/N], Techno wants to leave in the next ten minutes, he sent me to tell you"

I looked up to him „Thanks for telling me"

I got up and started walking out

Skeppy was obviously nervous

„Yes Skeps?" I looked at him smiling a bit

He looked sad „I'm sorry...."

„For what?" I was very confused

A/N: aaaaaannnnndddddd cliffhanger
>:) I'm not sorry about this, sometimes the author cruelty just comes through

Byeeeee luv y'all have a great night/day!

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