Chapter 37

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Tommy Pov:

I still don't agree with what Wilbur said, but I can't do anything.

I just hope that Tubbo will be fine.

I am scared of what's coming.

Wilbur decided to blow everything up at the festival.

Schlatt newly announced it, it's for the return of an good friend of him apparently.

I wonder if someone else beneath
[Y/N] arrived, cause I don't think someone like Schlatt could ever be friends with her.

I sighed and kept walking back an forth in the cave.

I was alone because the others left to get supplies and Eret went to talk with

I was waiting for Tubbo, he was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago.

I hope he comes soon, I need my best friend in all this chaos.


Niki Pov:

I was walking through Manberg.

I was on my way to [Y/N], apparently she has decided to move here, which is great!

I really missed her and her cheery person.

She's always so nice and caring.

I smiled a bit as I reached the small cottage where [Y/N] is supposed to live in.

I knocked.

„[Y/N]? Are you there?"

Someone slowly opens the door

„Niki? What are you doing here?"

I smiled „I came to visit you! Quackity told me you moved to Manbetg"

„Yeah, i did."

Her voice sounds so monotone, like Techno when he talked.

The spark in her eyes was gone too.

»what happened?«

„Is there anything you need? If not, please leave, o have to go talk to Schlatt and Eret"

„Schlatt? Why do you have to talk with that monster?"

„Hey! Watch what you're saying, Schlatt isn't an monster"

She glared at me

»what?...what has gotten into her? Why would she protect Schlatt?!"


„I said watch what you're saying. If you could excuse me now, I have to go"

With that being said, she closed the door and walked past me.

»what Just happened?.....«

A/N: sorry that it's so short again.

But good news, the book is close to its end :) meaning the main plot will be done soon. I will maybe do an Q/A again after it's done, since there may be a few questions open you'd like to know.

Anyways, have a great day/night!

And stay safe during Corona time guys! ^^

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