Chapter 9

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3rd person Pov:

All of them turned around, a huge explosion set of near them, another one following. The people down the hill started running away straight into a near tower. The other three sat there in shock, Wilbur being the first one to actually react „they're destroying our builds on the Smp!" He started running towards the explosions, Tommy also quickly got up and ran after him. The girl was now left alone on the hill, she had already lost sight of her new friends and she didn't watch where the group of soldiers went. Apparently someone else saw her, but decided to stay hidden. The girl got up, looking around, waiting for the next explosion to set off, but nothing like that happened. The only thing she saw before everything went black, was a lime green hoodie and a smiley face.

Tommy Pov:
Wilbur and I arrived at the scene, Tubbo's house was burned down, everything else around it was destroyed by explosions. I sighed and turned around, wanting to talk to the woman we had with us, wondering if those people are her friends or not. Then it hit me. „Wilbur-„ he cut me off with angry mumbling „Wilbur- Wilbur we have a problem!" He looked up annoyedly „shut up Tommy! I'm trying to think! And what problem could we have adding onto this?!" He pointed at the destroyed area „what about the woman we left alone on the hill?" He froze „fuck- we need to find
[Y/N] again!" He already started running back, I just followed him again.

Technoblade Pov:
Darryl ran up to me again after I made sure everyone is here. „Your majesty, what do you think this was?" „Sounded like explosions to me, but that doesn't matter right now. You said you saw
[Y/N], right?" Darryl bowed „yes your majesty, I'm 100% sure it was her on the hill together with the other two." „are you really sure?" „yes your majesty" „then we should head out and find her again." „yes your majesty" he walks off, gathering everyone. We left the tower again, just to be greeted by a certain person, with our [Y/N] in his filthy arms.

A/N: I tried to make it longer, I'm super sorryyyyyyy TvT

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