Chapter 5

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Wilbur Pov:
She still looked at me with her [e/c], hypnotizing eyes. „Yes....i need help...." she answered quietly, I could barely hear her voice and she looked down. I moved closer to the rock lying on her left leg, looking around for a stick. I spotted one near her and got it, now using it as a lever to get the stone off, it sounded like the stick was breaking but the stone rolled of her leg. The [h/c] haired girl next to me whimpered a bit „you're free miss, but I don't think you can go anywhere with that leg, I recommend I take you to my nation where my son can help you." She tried to sit up and look me in my eyes, the problem was that her leg hurted so much she broke back down. „Take it slow miss" Sh e looked up to me, the pain clearly written on her face „f-fine can take me to your nation, but I then need to find my king again, dear leader" she faintly smiled at me after speaking with her weak voice. „Alright then, dear lady" I gently smiled back and picked her up, she flinched in surprise but relaxed a moment later.

Technoblade Pov:
'That scream...we only have one female among us...[Y/N]!' I hurried over to my people „what happened? Why did [Y/N] scream?" Zak slowly turned around, he looked at me fearfully „w-we don't know your majesty....but t-the scream c-ca-came from The Valley......we-we don't think she made it out...."he got more and more quiet to the end „she what?" I didn't hear the last part „she didn't make it out, your majesty...." Vincent answered me, looking away. I just stood there shocked 'Dream! That bastard has taken my best soldier, the person I trusted the most, taken away! He gets no mercy! No mercy!' (Small reference hehe)  my sadness turned into pure anger „let's go and take that green bastard down!" they all looked at me shocked, they've never heard me swear like that before, but they lined up, ready to keep walking, ready to defeat the man who has taken the most important person from us, ready to defeat Dream.

A/N: okay, the chapter is short again, I'm sorry. The chapters will get longer the closer we come to the war, but that's it for now 😅 please forgive me!

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