Chapter 41 |final Chapter|

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(I am very sorry for this chapter, well not really)

TW: Death, swearing, gore

Technoblade Pov:

We had finished getting everyone we trust out.

The ones left in Manberg now were Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity, Schlatt, Sapnap, George and [Y/N].

We're waiting for [Y/N] to step outside to quickly get her out of Manberg.

We had Tommy tied against a tree, he wanted to run in and get Tubbo.

We decided to leave Tubbo, he betrayed us and he tried to kill an innocent person, even if he was just ordered to do so.

He was screaming, but nobody heard him, because he was deep in the forest and we had his mouth covered.

We only have 3 minutes left until Wilbur blows everything up.

She finally walked out with Schlatt.

Dream pearled to her and grabbed her, quickly pearling back to us.

„I got her! Let's get away from here!" he set her down

She looked at us shocked „what about the others?!"

„They will go down together with Manberg. They betrayed us, they deserve death"

„They don't! Did anyone ever listen to them and to their reasons for the things they did?!"

„There are no reasonable things for them to betray us"

„I can't believe you right now! I trusted you! I trusted all of you!"

With that she threw an ender pearl back into Manberg.

»1 minute left....oh fuck please...«

I wanted to go after her but I was pulled back

„If she want's to save those bastards, she deserves to go down with them."

„No! She doesn't! We're talking about [Y/N]! We need to save her!"

I don't know who screamed that, but it was too late.

The first explosion went off.


[Y/N] Pov (from the moment she pearled back into Manberg):

I landed infront of Schlatt

„[Y/N]? What's going on?"

Schlatt and Quackity looked at me

„You have to get out of here as fast as possible! Run! Don't care about me, I'll be fine!"

They looked shocked but nodded „you better come back to us alive, that's an order!"

„Yes Mister President!"

He smiles.

They disappeared behind the half taken down walls.

I ran towards Sapnap and George who were in the building.

„[Y/N] what's wrong?"

Breathed heavily from the running

get out of here!" I handed them an Enderpearl

„What? Why?!"

„Because all of this is going to blow up! Leave now!"

„But what about you?!"

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