Chapter 23

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Reading night 2/4

Wilbur Pov:

Even though [Y/N] is back, everyone still seems to be down.

I sighed »okay, that doesn't really make sense«

I looked out the window and spotted Technoblade talking to [Y/N].

»I wonder what they're talking about....probably when they will go home.«

[Y/N] looks a bit sad, but I don't think I am the right person to ask about her feelings.

Darryl appears behind me „Mister Wilbur? Am I allowed to ask something?"

I turned around to him „What do you need Darryl? Or bad? What do you prefer to be called?"

I swear his eyes sparkled a bit „I uh, prefer bad my question was if me and a few others from Pogtopia are allowed to join you in

Honestly, this surprised me a lot „How come you want to leave Pogtopia? I mean, I don't mind you all joining us, You're always welcome here" I smiled at him

He smiled back „...It's just not always so great in Pogtopia, and you seem to be a way better leader than Techno"


A/N: I'm very sorry that all of those are so short, but I'm trying to do the reading night ones in different Povs every chapter from the point [Y/N] left the Dreamteam and the different reactions :) I hope you understand

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