Chapter 24

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Reading night 3/4

Nick Pov:

» Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, why would she leave?!«

I curled up in my room under my bed, as always when I'm scared or sad.

I heard a knock on my door and someone opening it.

„Nick?....." I heard Dream's voice

I just curled up more »he called me Nick.....we haven't used our actual names since we left our hometown back when we were children....«

I heard him pushing something away from the bed and crouching down „Nick? I know you're down here buddy...."

I stayed silent still. At some point I want to talk to him, but at the other side I just want to be alone.

He peeked under the bed „Nick" his voice was calm and concerned.

I finally looked at him „what?....."

He pulled me out from under the bed and hugged me „I know you're sad she left....just remember that I'm always here for you and I always will be"

I hugged back „.....I know....."

He takes his mask off, he only does that around me since I know what he looks like.

His expression was soft and he still hugs me.

I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the warmth he's giving. I must admit, he really is my best friend and knows me the best.

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