Chapter 17

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[Y/N] Pov:
I looked at Dream in disbelief „You can't be seriously considering killing a child"

He turned to me „those are his own conditions, he chose this."

After saying this he walked to the wooden path together with Tommy, Wilbur and me. Apparently Tubbo and Fundy followed them because they were already there. Sapnap and George were there too. I was silently dragged to George who puts a hand on my shoulder, looking worried. Dream and Tommy stood next to each other, facing away from each other. Wilbur stood a bit higher and started counting.






„Six" Dream lifted his bow and got an arrow out

„Seven" Tommy did the same


„Nine" They were far away from each other now

„Ten paces. Fire!"

Both of them quickly turned around and arrows flew through the air

(I just want to say, the outcome of this match will be different, scince I had an small idea I wanted to add. I hope you don't mind! (: )

Dreams arrow nearly missed Tommy, but it left a cut on his arm. Tommy's arrow instead missed Dream completely. Them failing on hitting the opponent caused them to get another arrow and shoot again, this time the arrows went straight for their target. Tommy got hit in the chest while Dream managed to move out of the way, forgetting who was right behind him.

„Tommy!" The faint screams from
L'Manberg together with the sound of on arrow going right into my chest.

[Y/N]!" The screams of the Dreamteam was one of the last things I heard before everything went black. 'Maybe it was a bad idea to stand so close to the fight, and maybe I should've been more careful while walking, maybe then this wouldn't have happened.....'

A/N: Welp, let's pray everyone is still alive :)

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