Chapter 6

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Wilbur Pov:
I've been walking for a while now, but we are close to L'Manberg now. I noticed she fell asleep an hour ago, I'm surprised she managed to do that while being in pain, but I guess she's just very exhausted. After a few minutes of walking I stepped into L'Manberg, being greeted by Tubbo. „Wilbur! You're back safe! We were wor- who's that?" He pointed at the beautiful 'wait what?' girl in my arms. „I don't know Tubbo...I found her in the valley near L'Manberg. She is injured so I brought her here. Coming to speak of it, do you know where Fundy is?" I walked to the Hot-Dog Van, Tubbo following me „oh Fundy went out to fix a part of our wall. Do you want me to get him Wilbur?" „Yes please" I put her down on my bed after Tubbo sprinted away, getting Fundy for me. Only a moment later I heard the door open and Fundy walking inside „you called for me Wilbur?" I turned around to him „ah, yes my son, could you please take care of this girl I found in the valley ? She's badly injured and you're good with medicine." Fundy went next to her „hm, sure. I think I can help her, but do you have a regeneration potion by any chance?" He looked  up to me „I don't, but I am sure Tommy has some left." the moment I said that Tommy slammed the door open „Wilbur! That green bastard has gotten himself more people! There is literally a whole other kingdom walking straight into the Smp! And they have fucking full netherite armor! And enchanted weapons! We're so fucked Wilbur!" He was talking so fast I could barely understand him „Help? From another Kingdom? Fuck!" I looked back at the girl sleeping in my bed. 'Is she from that kingdom? Does she need to find her king to help him in this war? She looks so young, too young to fight, and too fragile. We need to talk to her when she wakes up.' I looked back at Tommy „Alright Tommy, first we need one of your regeneration potions, then you show me those people. Understood?" „yes sir!" He looked through his bag and got out a glassbottle with a red liquid inside. Funds took it and gave the potion to the girl next to us, only then Tommy noticed her „A WOMAN?!" he scooted closer while sighed „yes a woman Tommy, an injured woman, so be more quiet." Fundy stepped a bit away and the girl opened her eyes, slowly sitting up and looking around „W-where am I?" We all smiled „you're in L'Manberg now, the Dream Smp's first nation!" Her eyes widen the moment we said that 'don't tell me she's part of them.....please...'

Zak Pov:
We finally arrived in the Dream Smp, we were faster then we expected, but that's probably because the anger gave us more strength and the fact that we were closer than we thought. I still can't belive my best friend is gone, and I have to be honest, I don't think she was just a best friend to me. 'Why did it have to be her?! If this stupid green asshole never started this war, we would be at home, safe, and she would be alive!' In my anger and frustration I kicked a small stick infront of me away, I didn't watch where I was going until I bumped into Bad. I looked up „Bad, why the fuck did you stop walk-„ I then noticed it too, a guy with blonde hair and an uniform was running away from a spot a bit above us. „We're being watched, we need to tell the king. And language Skeppy"

A/N: so I finally managed to write a longer chapter! Ayyyyy I hope you enjoyed and have a Good day! Oh, and a big thank you to the person who voted on my last chapter :)

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