Chapter 20

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A/N: I'm sorry, but I hope I can borrow a minute of your reading time:)
I just wanted to thank all of you for reading this book, I never excepted it to get over 5 thousand reads. Together with that I want to say thank you to all the people who voted on my story, I'm very sorry if I didn't thank you personally:(. Last one, thank you for the people who followed me. I appreciate all of this and it makes me very happy, the nice comments are very great too. Now have a nice day and read you nerd :) byeeee

Pov [Y/N]:

»Did....Did I do the wrong thing?....Did I make the wrong decision? is what I have to do« [Btw, this is the new writing for thoughts :)]

I kept walking towards the walls of
L'Manberg, doubting my decision.

»I made Sapnap mad....and sad...and George....he looked so heartbroken...why did I leave?....« I sighed

„It's too late now anyways....they don't want to see me again" I just kept walking until I reached the walls

„Sir Technoblade! Wilbur!" a brown haired boy ran away from the gate, a few bees were following him, kinda adorable.

I stopped in front of the gate

A few moments later I saw the boy return, together with my King and Wilbur

I bowed down when they got closer „your majesty. I deeply apologize for not returning earlier, I have broken a rule and used your Trust and faith in me, I accept every punishment you give me, even if it's death"

To my surprise my king didn't respond at first before crouching down infront of me „[Y/N]" his voice was soft and calm „stop bowing already, there will be no punishment, I'm just glad you're back. And Jesus, please stop calling me your majesty, you know you can call me by my name"

I looked up in surprise, just to see him smiling at me. A very rare sight if I'm allowed to say that.

A/N: I'm sorry that this is so short, reading night is in progress though :) I'll probably do it tomorrow. Have a great day/night :) UvU

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