Chapter 21

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A/N: I'm super sorry I am not doing the reading night today, but school is been stressful. At least I can promise to do it tomorrow, since we have a day off tomorrow:) enjoy the chapter now!

Dream Pov:
She left. She left.

»Was she starting to feel uncomfortable? Did we do something wrong? Why on earth would she choose Techno over freedom and us?! I don't get it....«

I sighed and sat down on a chair.

„Dream? Are you okay?" George puts a hand on my shoulder

„I think that's something I should ask you" I looked up to him. He still looked very sad, but he looked better then earlier.

„I'm just asking myself if there's another reason she left, or if it's really just her loyalty towards Techno...." He looked out the window

„Mhm....same here...I just...I just don't understand why she wanted to leave so suddenly..."

George looked back at me „I don't understand either, but if I'm being honest right now. I'm very worried about Sap. I think this hurt him more than everyone else....from what I can say, he was pretty close to her, well for only spending 6 weeks together."

„I agree" I got up „I will try talking to him"

He just nodded and walked out „I'll go and get some food"

Mhm" I went towards Sapnap's room while George went outside.

»I...Why does this hurt so much?....I shouldn't worry about myself right now....Nick is more's been a while since I called him that»

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