Chapter 15 - Don't Give Up Now

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" keep running Willow!" Luke shouted " we need to keep going" he added as had a hold of Willows hand making sure that he wouldn't lose her in the escape. He knew that Willow was growing tried as they haven't stopped running Luke was also getting tried but he couldn't give up he had t to get Willow out of here and get back to Izzy. "JUST GIVE UP jack shouted at the both of them. Willow could feel it in her limbs screaming at her to stop but she couldn't not when she now had Luke and Izzy. A family of her own something that she could fight for. The castle felt like a maze to them they still haven't found the big door the guard told them about. " WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP" Luke shouted in return.

Izzy was still not herself. She didn't feel the same without Luke and Willow they were her family and even though she like Brother Jed and Jacob they were not them, they were not her family. Brother Jed reassured her that him and the brothers were trying to find out what happened to Luke and Willow but in truth they didn't have any idea where they were well the brothers didn't but Brother Jed felt like did but no one ever step foot in those parts anymore. Its full of darkness and dark magic. Jacob tried his hardest to make Izzy to feel like a part of the family but it never seem to work. Jacob couldn't stay with her also because he had school so Izzy was sometimes stuck at the house with and elderly lady called Ada Jones. Izzy didn't like her that much. Mrs Jones was always going on about how a young lady should act and speak. She was always making Izzy feel small. Like she was a mouse and Mrs Jones was a cat ready to pounce. Izzy hated being with Mrs jones she was a bully. She didn't understand why Brother Jed asked Mrs jones to look after her she didn't understand it all Izzy knows how to look after herself she done it for a year before meeting Luke and Willow. She longed to be with them once again, to with family again. "You children should be seen and not heard" Mrs Jones said for the fourth time "child! Don't just stand there find something better to do" Mrs Jones said. Mrs Jones was annoyed the Izzy wasn't doing anything. Why would you want to do something when your whole world has fallen apart? " just leave me alone" Izzy in a small voice " what did you say" Mrs Jones said " speak clearly" " LEAVE ME ALONE" Izzy shouted at Mrs jones. She didn't want to be with her anymore. To Izzy Mrs Jones was someone who is always talking down to her, someone who is trying to make Izzy into someone she isn't. "YOU" Mrs Jones said in loud tone. " YOU ARE UNDER MY CARE UNTILL YOU FATHER IS COME BACK" Izzy was angry the woman standing before " DO YOU UNDERSTAND" Izzy was annoyed more than annoyed " he isn't my father" izzy was small. It was quiet as a mouse. Izzy looks over at Mrs Jones " my parents are dead" it was a flat and emotionless tone. Izzy wasn't the one to talk about her parents they died when she was younger so she doesn't many memories of them. She has to learn to look after herself. Mrs Jones eyes went wide at hearing this. "my family are Willow and Luke" Izzy said " they are missing, Brother Jedidiah is looking after me till we can find them" Izzy wanted to cry but she didn't want to cry in front of Mrs Jones she didn't want to give her the satisfaction.

it was an hour later when Brother Jed came home with Jacob and Mrs Jones giving Brother Jed an ear full how wild izzy was and how she no lady. Izzy didn't care what Mrs Jones was saying about especially saying she was no lady because izzy didn't want to a lady some one that is proper and well spoken she wanted to be herself and that will never change.

Luke was holding onto Willow's hand so tightly fearing that if loosens the grip that someone would grab her. Luke wanted it all to end he didn't want to think about Izzy he didn't even know if she was safe or not. Why can't it all stop? "LUKE! " Willow shouted trying to catch her breathe "don't stop" Luke said.

Brother Jed was trying his hardest to come up with a plan to find Willow. He lost track of the other 3 children born with the abilities to control the elements. Magic has always been a part of the world they live in and apart of the brother society but not a lot of people think magic is real or magical creatures are real only stories. Brother Jed wasn't sure what to believe but he knew that he trusted his faith that anything good can happen because everything little or big happened for a reason. It what makes us and shape us into who we are today. The two people that he was pose to protect Thomas and Jemma were dead. He failed them and their daughter. He often though about his dear friends and how the world can be cruel sometimes. Izzy was sleeping now after crying quietly to herself. Brother Jed could see that the girl had been crying from the dry tear stains on her face.

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