chapter 19

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Izzy was so thankful to Jacob coming up with this plan. She never felt so much loved by others. Luke and Willow were the only ones that ever made her feel like loved but being with Brother Jed and Jacob she found more person that she could earn her trust and love. Jacob had become a true friend. It made her feel special no one has ever done this for her. Back at the village no one cared for the street girl. Izzy and Jacob watched as foster and Crosby round around them towards the town hall where everyone was waiting. The two boys were laughing at one another. Once the four of them were in the hall foster and Crosby run towards Jennifer and Jude making the two girls jump as the boys ran rings around them " those two are crazy" Izzy said smiling at the way the two boy acted together. Jacob smiled his plan was working. It was really working. He didn't care in that moment that this may be short lived but at least Izzy smile was a real smile. In one moment in time Izzy can just be a kid. A kid that is happy and free from the pain that live can bring. Izzy looks around the room as she follows Jacob she see a girl who was missing the lower part of her left arm which didn't go unnoticed by Jacob "that Emma you haven't met her yet" Jacob said causing Izzy to look and Jacob then back to Emma " Emma and Emmett are brother and sister. Twins" he added the two walk some more "she was born like that" Jacob said "actually she lost her arm fighting off a dragon who was trying to attack the city with his fire. The dragon even got me" a voice said coming up from behind them Emmett causing both Jacob and Izzy to turn to him " see" Emmett said as he showed his burn scar from his arm. "Emma saved my life" Jacob smiled "there no such thing as dragons Emmett" Jacob said as he laughed "well that's because Emma killed them all" Emmett said "I think it's a great story to tell" Izzy said butting in "a true warrior" she added Emmett smiled at her as Jacob looks at her with a smirk "don't encouraged him" Jacob said as he hit Emmett around the head in a friendly but annoyed way cause to two to laugh at one another. " what are we talking about" Emma said walking to the three after hearing her brother say her name " only that you're a dragon slayer" Jacob said " I think it's amazing, you should have a day where we honour you, the Emma day" Emmett wrapping his arm around his twin sister making her roll her eyes at him. Izzy smiled at the two. "So Izzy what is like living with Brother Jed?" Emmett said with a smile on his face. It was a question that made Izzy think. She couldn't tell him what she really felt. Living with Brother Jed had been different from being with Willow and Luke. She felt alone even though she knew she wasn't Jacob was her friend and Brother Jed was also her friend but in fact Brother Jed only took her in because he and Luke are friends. That how it felt to her anyway, Brother Jed felt like it was his duty to do. She had nowhere else to go other to Brother Jed and she was thankful for him and Jacob but it wasn't the same. "It's been ok I guess, I'm still getting used to it" Izzy said with smile of her face. "I bet Brother Jed is the live of the party" the comment made Jacob laugh as he looks over to his father reading his book. "IZZY COME JOIN US" Millie shouted as her wave her over. "Come on Izz, let's have some fun" Jacob said holding his hand out to her.

It wasn't till after a couple of minutes that Jacob and Emmett went off to talk with Kai and Izzy was left with Anakin, Lara and ruby. "What are we talking about again" Izzy asks as he came in haft way through the group conversation "Anakin was telling us about his older brother" Lara said "he was caught with the alcohol again" she added. Izzy just smiled not really knowing who they were talking about. She didn't know Anakin brother or Anakin that much. Izzy met some of them before at the park but not all of them only in passing. "Are we talking about Anakin brother again" ruby said joining in the conversation "Emma is in love with him" she added in a sing song voice as Anakin pulled a disgusted face at her. Izzy smiled at how defensive he was being. The two started arguing at one another though it was more of a funny argument then a serious one then suddenly Crosby came running past the group singing" Emma loves sky, Emma love sky" if cause Izzy smile at the carefree boy. "THAT'S IT CROSBY GET BACK HERE" Emma shouting as she started to chase him while Crosby started screaming and laughing. The sight of the two causes everyone to laugh even Brother Jed had a smile on his face who was also thinking about the horse. Where could that dame horse got to. He just hopes Alice was right but couldn't be sure. He just had to hope and pray that the horse made his way to Luke.

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