Chapter 13 - Just Getting Started

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 ( i  edited these two photos so that they could stand side by side to one another as i wanted to use both images. ) 

It has been days now since Willow was captured and trapped in the very place she been trying to get away from. The place that was her home. A home that she never felt safe in. a home that she could never really call her home. There was no love or happiness which two of the keys to call a place a home. It was the same thing day in and out. The coldness of the hard stone ground and the horrible smell that she couldn't describe. The moon was her only friend, the moon help her see when the blanket of the night sky would make the room dark. She would out of the light but would stare where the moonlight would hit the ground till her eyes couldn't stay open. Willow didn't know how many days it has been. She had no sense of time. She couldn't remember what her voice even sounded like as she hadn't use it. Jack would come in when he felt like sometime to give her the small piece of rotten bread and sometimes he would come to just to mock her and torment her. Willow would have nightmares of Luke and Izzy being killed other and other again like. The look of pain and terror on this face before the knife would stab then was sometimes the last thing she would see before she would wake up in cold sweat.

jack was walking slowly to the throne room where his father was. He had a smile on his face but he was worried about if his father would be pround of him or not. The master never showed any emotion towards his son. It was rare that the master would be proud of him. He doesn't even acknowledge that is jack is his son to him jack was another person that he orders around to do hid bidden, another person that he could replace if needed too though the master does let jack have some perks he is a prince in some way and that means that jack can do what he wants when he wants when he not carrying out the masters orders.

"Why are you here boy" the dark tone of the master voice said as jack entered the room. The room was dark red and gold which has aged. Most of the windows were boarded up there was only one or two what were left untouched to some the only tininess bit of light. The once grand thorne room has seen much blood and a pain throughout the years and you could tell by the way the room looks and if the walls could talk they would be crying in sorrow. " I have news to tell you master" jack talking a step forward but the quickly step back again when receiving the look of his father face. "This better be good" the master said "I have got time for your stupid games" he added speaking with the same emotionless dark voice he always would speak in. " I promise master, you will be happy to hear what I have to say" jack said in a proud tone. " it is good news father " jack said knowing the mistake he made but quickly carried of " the girl has loss all hope. She back to the girl who doesn't think escaping would do any good" jack said looking up at his farther trying to see what the master was thinking " carry on" the master said in monotone voice. "The boy" jack said trying to remember the name "Luke.. We found him" he paused for a second "he was wondering the through the castle grounds. Properly looking for the girl, we have him locked up in the servant champers" jack said as the master stood up and walk across the room to where he was now standing in the middle of the room facing his son. He had a smirk upon his face. He was somewhat happy. It was strange to see but it was soon gone and replace with anger "bring him to me" jack bowed his head out respect to his father something he had done for as long as he could remember" yes master" jack said as he turned to leave the room the master stopped him " oh and jack" the master said in a dark angry tone " do not EVER call me father again" jack was taken back but obey " yes master, I'm sorry it won't happen again" jack quickly said as he carried on walking out of the room almost running to the servants champers where Luke was being held wanting to make his master happy. He didn't want to make the master wait so he made sure to get the Luke as quick as he could. Sometimes it felt like he was always disappointing his father the master. It didn't matter what he would do or say the master would always act the same towards even when jack was young his father would always be the same emotionless person he is. Jack never knew no different. his father was his master and his master was his father.

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