chapter 2 - The Village Attack

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The photos that i use are from the internet i do not own unless otherwise. 


Once willow look all around the house she wondered outside hoping to find Luke out there and hoping he hadn't abandoned her like everyone seem to do in her life. As willow walk through the front door willow notice that Luke was taking of his top off that was ripped and dirty. She wasn't sure what to do but willow jump when she heard a bang she quickly looks back over at Luke to see that he started chopping up some wood with an axe that look old but the blade was sharp. Willow could see that Luke had a six pack and this made Willow uncomfortable for some strange reason. Luke didn't notice that willow was watching him. Willow could see how sweaty Luke was because his hair was wet and he was dripping. It was a hot day in all that is fair. She slowly walked over to where look was but stop a couple of feet away so she didn't get hit by the axe. Luke look up and notice willow standing there he smiled at her as he walk over towards her "you smell" Willow said in a tone that was simple and board towards Luke as she step back away from him. "Oh I do, do I." Luke said with a smile on his face "come here and give me a hug" Luke said as he laughs at Willow scared face as he was walking towards her. Willow ran off with Luke chasing after her tying to give her a sweaty hug. Luke chase her all-round the garden but before Luke reach Willow she trip over a rock that made him knock into Willow's back making them both fall to the ground and Luke ending on top of Willow for the first time Luke could see how pretty Willow truly was. But she was more of a friend

Luke wasn't sure what to do next it was like he was frozen stuck all he was doing was looking into Willow eyes. After a while Willow realised that Luke was still on top of her so she pushed him her and sat up. Luke came back to the real world and look at willow "I'm sorry I didn't mean to knock you down when I feel"

"it's find, I'm not hurt" Willow smiled at Luke and he smiled back.

"I'm going to get clean up I be back soon" Luke said while walking off somewhere.

Willow didn't know where he was going but she didn't really care that much. Willow went back into the house where she sat down on one of sofa that wasn't very comfortable . After a while of waiting for Luke to return Willow was starting to get bored sitting on the sofa that was very on

The uncomfortable sofa. There wasn't really much to do around the house. Willow looked around her making sure Luke wasn't around. She then slowly lifted her hands making water come floating in the air. The water came from nowhere. She started making the go higher in the air. She moves her hands making the water follow the movement of the hand. The water looked like it was dancing around her. Willow started dancing with the water. Willow dance around the room as if she was floating as well. She was one with the water. They circled Willow slowly going around her. Suddenly the water went flying in different ways. It was so beautiful and so peaceful. And for a moment in time Willow forgot everything. She forgot that she was hiding from guards. That she didn't know anything about her parents and that she didn't even know about anything about herself or that she didn't know anything about the outside world. it didn't matter. In this moment of time she was happy at peace. But sometimes she hated what she could do. she hates that her power made her different. Because of her power she was locked up because she was pose to her power for evil. As Willow got deeper into her dance the door suddenly opens. Willow reacts quickly to the sudden notice as she made the water disappear into thin air. Well that was new Willow thought to herself. Willow looked up noticing it was Luke who open the door.

Luke knew at some point he needs to get more food as he was fast running out. but that was going to be hard because he didn't have any money one him. The food he did have wasn't enough to share. Luke didn't was going to the market alone but he didn't want to leave Willow on her own. so Luke went back into the house to find her. He silently walk back to the house. And saw Willow smiling and dancing around the room she was in. Luke stood there for a while watching her. As Luke stood there he notice something odd. His eyes widen in surprise. There was water floating around in the air. Following Willow as she danced. At first Luke thought he was imagining things and that he was going crazy. Luke closed his eyes thinking that when he opened them the floating water won't be there anymore. But when he did open his eyes again the water was still there floating around the room. It wasn't like anything Luke had seen before. Luke wanted to confront Willow about it but he decided not to. Not yet anyway. At this point Luke went into another room to find his jacket and another one for Willow to use. As he came out of that room he closed the door behind him. Making a loud bang. Luke also picked up a basket. As Luke walked in to the room Willow was in he was putting his long black jacket one. " I'm going to the village market to get some more food. Would you like to come too?". " it would be better than staying in this smelly house on my own" Willow said as she smiled. " hey" Luke shouted " it isn't that smelly" Luke took a deep breath in ten coughed. " ok maybe it does smell" Luke said with a cheeky grin on his face. " it's smelly really bad." Luke added. it was the first time looked notice the smell. He only liked it here because of the view of the sunrise every morning. " anyway lets go" Luke said as he walks over to Willow as he remember he holding a jacket for Willow to wear. " put this on". Willow took the jacket from Luke . the jacket was a brownie colour. it was a bit big for Willow but she didn't mind. Once Willow had the jacket on. They both starting leaving the house and walking towards to were the village was. Willow still didn't trust Luke but there was something about him that she wanted to trust. But Willow follow her heart. Luke hasn't done anything to say she can trust him. " are you ok" Luke asked as he stops walking to face Willow. " I'm ok" Willow said looking away into the distance " just thinking about some things". " you know sometimes talking about it, helps" Luke said " I know" is all Willow said in reply.

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