chapter 18

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The next day Jacob was Izzy sleep from the door way. He didn't want to wake her up. Her face was relaxed and calm. She was at peace within her sleep. Jacob didn't want to disturbed her. He worried about her. They all did. He was glad she was getting some sleep. Jacob listened most the night to Izzy crying even Brother Jed was listening to her. Both felt it was best to leave her be. Both Jacob and Brother Jed wanted to see Izzy again so Jacob came up with a plan so while she was asleep he had told all his close friends of his plan to throw a party for Izzy. An after-noon of fun. They all wanted to see her happy again. it made them all feel sad to see her not like herself. They all cared for her.

Brother Jed left early in the morning just after Jacob had woken up to mention his plan to him. Brother Jed agreed that it was a good idea to cheer up Izzy. He had spent hour and hours so far looking for the horse but Romeo was nowhere to been seen. It made Brother Jed feel helpless. Some of the stable hands also started to help look. They all looked around the whole of the city not leaving any stone untouched but it was no use. Romeo was gone. He was nowhere in the inner or outer parts of the city. The key question is what happened. A question no one knew the answer to as no one saw the horse escape. All Brother Jed could do is hope. Hope that where ever Romeo was he was safe and sound. That nothing bad has happened. It didn't take long for everyone to come to a conclusion that Romeo was not in the city; somehow he was able to take through the gate. Which everyone was having trouble to come terms with. Everyone had given up before Brother Jed did. He had to be sure. This was Luke's best friend, his brother. The horse meant everything to him. Brother Jed wouldn't know how he would react if he came back before the horse was found.

it was another hour of double checking before brother decided it was time to see Charlie. Brother Jed would go and see him every other day. Brother Jed would sit next to him and would talk, talk about Izzy and Jacob. He would talk about his regrets and just normal everyday things. Even though he wasn't sure if Charlie could hear him or not but Brother Jed didn't want him to feel alone if he could hear what was going around him. "Brother Charlie is still showing no signs in waking up" the healer Alice said as she walked into the room. Brother Jed looks up at the woman, he was about to leave again to give the healer some space to move. "I think it's good that you come in to chat with him" she added. Stopping Brother Jed from leaving "I feel like he will use this as blackmail when he wakes up" Brother Jed said as he laughed. Charlie was a person that would use the smallest injury as a way to get what he wanted. " he would be able to use this for years to come" Alice said agreeing knowing what Charlie was like. She had treated him for many different injuries in the past. This one affected her most though. It affected everyone the most. The violence's of the attack was brutal and it was like an wild animal had attack him. she was scared brother Charlie would not come back from this All she was hoping was that Charlie would wake up and then take it day by day. Everyone was trying all that they could do to help the elderly man to get better again. "I heard Romeo escaped" wanting to change the subject "Yes he has" Brother Jed said "that horse is going to be the death of me" Brother Jed added. Alice smiled "maybe he gone to look for his friend" Alice suggested "I mean Luke and the horse do have a magical bond" she added. She didn't know Luke much. Only met him from time to time but she knew the bond between the boy and his horse was strong from the times she saw them together. Brother Jed can only hope that was the case. That the horse was going to find his friend as he looks up at the sky.

It was now the next day Brother Jed was doing his normal morning rounds. Today he planned to have a small meeting but this time it was not going to be with the brothers just the few that were close to Luke and wanted to help with what to do to safe Luke and Willow. Brother Jed decided he would put matters into his own hands. Brother Jed had faith that they find their own way back but something felt different. something big was coming and he wanted to prepare for it even though he didn't know what was coming. Brother Jed hadn't felt like this since Willow was only a baby. Unlike last time the feeling wouldn't leave. Something was coming. The question was when. When was this something coming. It was hard to think about what was to come when Brother Jed didn't know what was coming only basing it on a feeling.

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