Chapter 10 - survival mode

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Willow woke to a loud sound; it was so loud she said to cover her ears. She felt her heart stop for a second before her heart started to beat faster and faster each time the sound went. It was still dark out it had to be around midnight or early mooring. It was quite for a little while but it didn't last long as the louds sounds started again, by now Izzy and Luke was awake. Izzy was holding on to Luke for her life " what on earth is happening" Luke said scared but not trying to show it because he didn't want to scare Izzy even more then she was. " Luke what's going on" Izzy said with tears in her eyes Luke hug Izzy "it's going to be ok go over to Willow for a minute" Luke said calming but running to the window to see what was happening. People were screaming as they ran down the road. the city was up in flames. What in hell is going on Luke thought to himself. The flames were destroying everything it touches. This wasn't an accident someone was doing on purpose. Luke over to where the stables are seeing that the flames were nearly hitting the wood. Romeo" Luke shouted out in panic suddenly everything went was in slow motion as he ran out the house towards the stables as Willow shouted to Luke to come back. Luke ran as fast as he could towards the stables as he dodged people and jumped over bobbies. All he could think about was Romeo. He was family. The only thing he had left to remind him of his mother. Luke got to the stable in time to save Romeo and the other horse as the flames got close. The brothers were helping too and offered to take Romeo with them to safety. Luke nodded his head as he watch the brother take Romeo away. It was then look remembered Willow and Izzy. "oh god what did I do" Luke said to himself he raced back to where he left them. when he got back Willow was holding izzy as Izzy cried her eyes out thinking Luke was dead " come on" Luke shouted over the bangs " were leaving" Luke added " we have to go" he added again as he picked Izzy up and started running out of the house with Willow following behind

Luke didn't know what to do. He just knew that he has to get to safety. He had to get Willow and Izzy away from danger that the city was facing. All three of them could see the jungle of flames. There were children crying calling out to their dead parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, siblings and friends. " Isabella cover your eyes" Luke said as he didn't want to see this nor did Willow wanted that. Izzy buried her head in his neck covering her eyes. Luke could tell she was crying. "It's going to be ok" he said quietly. He looked at Willow "it going to be ok" Luke said again as they run up the hill not looking back at the burning city. Suddenly Willow stopped running as it soon hit her she can't leave them to fight on their own so many lives will be lost. " I have to help them" Willow said mostly to herself " what" Luke said turning around " I can stop the fire. I can help them" Willow said " no you can't" Luke said grabbing Willow out of fear " I can't let you get hurt" Luke said with watery eyes " it's a risk I'm willing to take" Willow said as she started walking backwards looking at Izzy and Luke " I can't let them kill those people" Willow said as she turned and ran it broke her heart hearing Izzy shout her name over and over again. Willow wanted to go back to Izzy tell it be alright but she couldn't she needed at the city she needs to do this. for once she can use her power for good. She wouldn't have to feel worthless not at this point in time anyway. It didn't take Willow long to get back to the city. She should be terrified at this moment but somehow she wasn't it was like some took over her mind and body. She watched as the brother Jed and the other brothers were trying to get people to safety. There were crying children who had blood covering them, dead bodies being wrapped up in cloth. To Willow it felt like this wasn't going end well. The men were turning everything to ash. She could them laughing as they set another house on fire as people ran out screaming some being stabbed as they ran into the men. Willow heart fell when she saw them fall to the ground. Willow looked around her seeing what's happening. She turned around in her spot. she raised her hand towards were the men. Water was forming in her hand the water turn in to a ball. Waiting to strike. The man was getting ready to set fire to another house as Willow pushed her hand towards one of the men knocking the man to the ground "what just happened " he said as he got up from the ground. He was looking around him trying to figure out what happened till his eyes met willows. He now had a smirk on his face " poor little girl" the man said with a laugh " have you came to watch the destruction of your actions" the man said as people watched as others join the man standing in front of her she saw jack standing in the back of the group glaring at him " no I'm here to save these people" Willow said in an angry tone " and how are you going to do that little girl" the man said " don't you remember who you belonged to. The master isn't happy how you've thank him for rising you" Willow didn't reply her feared her voice would crack. "It's a shame really how you did this to him. He took you in when no one would" he added, Willow didn't say anything again but instead she raised her hand and pushing with all her might as water rush towards him hitting him like a ton of bricks. Willow was blinded in anger she didn't stop, the water hit him in the face even when the he was fell to the ground black out she didn't stop. It was like something was controlling her actions. she forgot everything that was going on around her. Tears were rolling down her wet face. " hey Willow" a voice said from behind her but took no notice of the voice " hey Willow, you need to stop he is..." there was a pause " he is out now" the voice was so caring and calm she finally stopped now as she looked at the lifeless body as she started crying even more. " what have I done" Willow said weakly " its ok" Luke said " it's over. Your safe" Willow hugged Luke as Luke wrapped his arms around her " your safe" Luke said again. they stayed like that for a while. Willow looking around at the people that were watching them. some of them looked shocked, others looked scared about what they just saw and most of them were confused about what was going on. there were some that were still trying to stop the fire still Willow hugged Luke tighter as she closed his eyes not wanting Luke to let go of her. She was worried scared in fact it will never stop. She will never find somewhere safe. Always running for her life. If this what freedom feels like she didn't want it not if that will be her life. What do these people think of her now? They will hate her for what she has done. She hates herself.

Clouds started to form in the air. Covering the whole city. It started to rain. Willow started doing her water dance she does in the shows she use to do at each step she would gracefully move as she use her power to stop the fire. she knocked out and probably badly hurting some of the men but that didn't stop her. She didn't care about what would happen to her. She saw jack running away but she wasn't bothered about that. she let her anger control her. She was amazed of what she was doing. The remaining men watch her " since when could she control the weather" one said. "Let's get out of here" another said " the boss needs to hear about this" he added. the ran out of the city as people throw things at them while cheering. The rain slowly came to a stop. They won. Willow won. Willow was shocked at her own actions. she had a grin on her face. Tears of happiness rolling down her checks. everyone was smiling and jumping around in joy. Children running up to love ones crying. Then soon everyone started to help clean up the once so beautiful city that hold so much history. Luke was in a daze every think seem easy to Luke . he knew how to fight be been learning to fight ever since he was little what this felt like there weren't even trying to fight back. It felt like it was planned like it was meant to happen. Luke when to Izzy and hold in his arms tightly making sure she was ok while he watched Willow helping the city people clean the beloved homes. Willow notice he was look at her and she gave a small smile to him as she held a small boy in his arms who was getting aid to his arm. I'm so sorry you have to live this life Luke thought to himself. Luke wanted to know what was going to happen next maybe then he could stop it getting like this. it was sad seeing a place he had called home destroyed. There was some part of him wished he never came back to this place then maybe everyone would be safe and still alive but another part of him was happy for Willow she was finally finding out about her past and her family he just wished it didn't turn out like this. Luke picked put Izzy as he looked around for Willow. this time it was hard to spot her there were more people around. There was no sign of her. Where could of she gone. All the sudden there was a loud pitch scream filling the air. then you could hear a laugh followed by more screams. Izzy hugged Luke as thought if she let go she would never see him again. " Izzy I need you to be brave for me" Luke said as he placed Izzy on the ground " can you do that" Luke added. Izzy didn't know what was happening. She didn't want to listen to what he was saying because it sounded like he wanted her to leave without him " I don't know" Izzy said weakly " I know you can be brave isobella" Luke said while hugging her " I need you to do something for me" Luke said in an stern tone. " what's that" Izzy said. " I need you to run as fast as you can and not look back do here me not look back" Luke said as Izzy had tears coming down her face " but I'm scared" Izzy said " please father" Luke eyes grew wide as Izzy said him father. He didn't know if Izzy knew what that she said that it was hard now for Luke he didn't want to leave Izzy but the only way he knew to save her from this hurried life and besides Luke was only a boy too young to be a father but yet it give him a warm feeling inside knowing that he made a small impact a remodel to the young girl. " I know your scared but trust me, do you trust me" Luke said with tears coming down his face. Knowing this might be the last time he will see Izzy. " I trust you" Izzy said as she hugged Luke . for a moment everything stood still. Like someone pressed the paused button. " I promise you we will see you again my isobella, god is watching over you are you are a princess, my little princess" Luke said standing up as everything started moving again in normally speed. " run Izzy run" with that Izzy said running dodging people as they were helping each other aiding to people a. Luke watched as Izzy ran Till he couldn't see her. " I will find you Izzy promise I will find you" Luke said with tears in his eyes. Luke hoped that she would run into brother Jed for Jacob she would be safe with them. Suddenly Luke was taken down. His hands tied behind his back. "don't worry boy she won't get far" the man who was on top on him said. This was the end, vie failed to protect the ones I love Luke thought as the man kept on punching him in the stomach, repeating the action many times. Luke closed his eyes in pain. Wishing it didn't end like this, wishing that he was stronger, wishing his life wasn't full of pain and sorrow. The man smirks as he looks down a the bloody boy before him. " thought you could protect them did you" he laughed " look at you, so weak and it's heart-breaking to think that you could protect her" the man got to lukes eye level " did you really think you could protect them all the time day in and day out. Did you think we will give up that easily" the man said grabbing Lukes face laughing " you bastard" Luke said " I will never give up, I WILL FIND AWAY LA MONSTRE!" Luke said as the man band his head to the ground causing Luke to fall in to darkness as the screams of Willow voice dying out  


i added more to chapter 9 which has been edited.

 chapter 10 hasn't been edited or even prove read so hopefully its still fits with the editing that i have dont with the other chapters. 

happy Sunday evening from England. 

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