The Brothers

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the photo is an ancient photo of the first group of brothers. ^^ 


The brothers are a religious community of men called the Brothers.
Men can join the brothers from the age of 19.
They are like somewhat like an army, highly trained in the skill of fighting which they only use to protect others.
They share whatever they can share with the people in city who are poor.
They help the people in the city as much as possible in any shape of form.
They are highly respected within the city.
The founder of the brothers was a man called Seth Anderson over 200 years ago. He wanted to protect his city and share his love of god with others. The brothers were also created to protect the royal family as well.

To become a brother.

· Cannot have a family of their own

· Can't be married

· Give up aspects of regular everyday life.

· To have a high believe in god.

· Study the history of the city and the brothers.

· If a 19 year old wants to join they must understand the importance of what they may be giving up.

The rules of the brothers.

· Protect those who can't protect themselves

· Always be prepared to learn

· Not to lie.

· Not to insult another

· Not to create disagreements

· Refrain from harming any living beings big or small out of anger

· Always be a man of peace.

· Never cause harm to other people belongings

· Help where help is needed

· Help when help is asked

· Share the love of god.

· Not to commit murder or any form of crime

· Share out the things at you don't need anymore.

· Always be a good person.

· Not to create a division within the people.

· To always be able to teach others to better themselves and to never give up.

In the "Morden day world" the brothers can be married and have a family of their own. 


I may edit this in the future when I figure out more what i want the brothers to be like. 

I dont own any of the photos that I use within the book I get them from Pinterest or google images. 


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