Chapter 3 - The Long Road Ahead

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 note - i wrote this this a couple of years ago when i first has this idea. and plot line in my head. i have nearly finish this whole book on a word document. but i have to go back to eailer chapters like this one to edited them. so thats why it take me long to update them cause im working on a different part of the book and it have to make sure that im still following the same plot i started with years ago till to day. im sure it changes abit but i think it on the right path. im feeling ill today and im not sure if i edited everying in this chapter so that its sounds right. please let me know if words seem to be missing or some of the writing doesnt sound right. when im better i will read through this chapter and edit what  needs to be edited and i will let you know when that happends. 


The group of tried men slowly walked along the long path back to their master. There was only five survivors plus jack who made it six survivors in total. At the beginning of the battle there was about twenty or more guards trying to get the girl back, but they underestimate the girl and her new found friendship The guards were nor very happy with their loss. their mission was to bring back you girl one way or another way and to do anything it get her. They didn't plan for the girl to fight back. They thought that the girl would give up her freedom to save the village but she managed to fight for to keep her freedom a little longer and saved the village. When did the girl grow a back bone? Jack was leading the five men back to the castle. Back where a their master would be who didn't know that returning even when the master made it very clear that they were NOT to come back without the girl with them . Jack could hear his father shouting those words in his ears. As they got closer to the dark looking castle that looks like it's been abandoned many years ago. The old drawbridge slowly started to come down when the gaurds who were in charge of the castle bright saw them so that jack and the five guards could walk over the dark green looking moat that surrounded the castle . The old drawbridge reviled a big gigantic gate that was slowly opening at the same time that was also controlled by two more guards. For them to get thought. The castle walls had four lookout towers, two on either side of the gates. The outer tower had a black flag on with jack family symbol on it. Once jack and the five men went throw the gate they were greeted with haft dead looking trees. Some of the tree had skeletons hanging of them. It was a warning to them to not go against their master. There were owls sitting on the trees watching with their yellow eyes. The scared locals bowed their heads as jack and men walks pass them. as jack and the men just ignored them. the six men walked past the old rotten stables that use to hold the master black and brown horses. "I've heard stories about those stables" one of the men said. "Yeah, they say its haunted or something" another man said. Jack listens as they went on and on about ghost and sprits. He did care that much. He knew the real reason about the stables. His older haft brother and sister were killed there soon after their mother died. Jack doesn't really know much about them just only that their mother became ill. Jack started thinking about his farther. It confused him sometime because he had to call his father. Master and father. It was like his father didn't care about him. But that can't be true can it. Jack knew it was risky to come back without the girl but he had important information that he thinks that his father should know. Jack and the other guards walk past the guards and servants that were walking around the castle grounds with their chosen weapon in their hand. Some of the guards were training the dogs to hunt. As they walk into the castle they were greeted by the servants who took the coats and gave then something to eat. It wasn't long till jack was summoned to the throne room.

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