Meet Jack

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Played by Tom Holland

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Played by Tom Holland. 
Jack is the masters son. He is around 20 years old. 
He had a difficult time growing up.  He wanted his father approval. He wanted to make his father proud. Jack follows his fathers orders without question. 
 When something would go wrong for something or another and  the master would take out his failure on him. Jack would turn to take his anger out of the men that in charge of or he would turn to drink. 
Jack had grown up calling his father the master. It was no secret that jack was the master's son but the master didn't want him to call him father.  It was like he didn't want to be reminded that he had a son.  
Jack grew up without his mother. he doesn't even know who she is. He tried to when he was younger but the master got so angry that jack ever asked again.
When Jack was younger he would make up stories about her and even stories of how she met his father though those stories always turn dark as he could never imagine that his father was ever a kind person. 

Jack is conflicted sometimes between what right and what wrong but the power his father has over him is something that over powers his choices in what path to take .

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