chapter 14 - The Great Escape

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 "HELP" Willow screamed at the top of her lungs. "PLEASE SOMEONE I NEED HELP" Willow screams again. Luke was lying emotionless on the ground in front of her. "PLEASE HE ISNT MOVING" Willow shouted again getting annoyed no one is listening to her. "THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY FIREND" one of the guards came running to the cell door. "What going on here" the guard asks in a questionable tone. Willow's face was fully worry and was wet from when she was crying. "I don't know" Willow said fast without taking a breath between words. "Something wrong with him" Willow added talking slower this time. Willow pointed at Luke "one second he was fine then the next he fainted" Willow said as she went to his side "he needs food, we haven't had any for the last two days" Willow began to cry again " and what am I going to do" the guard said. Willow looked at him annoyed. "Would your master want him to die on your watch?" the guard looks away as if he was debating on what to do before looking back at Willow before him. " tell me what happened again" " I told you one moment he was standing there and the next he fainted" Willow replied. Her hands were shaking not from being worried about Luke condition but because she was scared the plan wasn't going to work. The guard took a deep breath "alright, you better stand by the wall. Girl" the guard said as he got the keys out taking his time in finding the right key for the cell door.

As the guard walks into the cell carefully watching Willow as he walks in and towards the boy lying on the ground. Willow watched him standing back against the wall. This is the part where it could all go paired shaped. Every second counts. Willow must be alert because this goes wrong who knows what the master would do. She didn't want to think about. She couldn't think about it. It was hard enough to successfully escape the last time she was here and she barely made it out of the castle and into the woods.

The guard bends down to check over Luke as the guard did this Willow held her breath watching the scene play out in front of her. The guard was taken by surprise as Luke suddenly got up and in seconds the guard was on the ground groaning in pain "YOU BASTARD!" The shouted at them "that what I am" Luke said as he smirks down at the guard as he punched the guard in the face knocking the guard " I can't believe that worked" Willow said shakily " don't be happy just yet we still have to get of this dame castle" Luke said as he grab Willow's hand and running out of the cell and down the dungeon corridor "WAIT" Willow said as he pulled Luke to a stop " what?" Luke said "what about them?" Willow said pointing around them Luke looks around him at the forgotten souls that been put here to rot. Luke took a deep breath in knowing what Willow wanted to do. He wanted to help them but his main priority is to get Willow out of here, get Willow safe and to get back to Izzy. "We have to help them" Willow begged Luke. Luke looks into Willow eyes "alright" he finally said walking to where they left to get the keys from the knocked out guard. " we don't have have a lot of time, I don't know when the guard will wake up." Luke whispers looking down at the guard before him.

it didn't take long for Willow and Luke to match the key to the right cell freeing the prisoners. Luke and Willow said some kind words to them as they opened the cell door. Some were grateful for what happened and other was confused. "This is where you run for your lives" Luke said as some stood around not sure what to do. Luke grads Willow hand yet again as they too started running with running away from the dungeon and into the corridor. As Willow and Luke got to the end of the corridor Willow looks out of the window. The view was amazing yet the view was dark and gloomy. It was like the view had no soul. It was like the castile was in a cloud. A dark and gloomy cloud. " come on Willow, we have to go" Luke said to Willow as he gentle pulled her away from the window.

Willow and Luke ran down sharp narrow corridors, looking around corners making sure that they don't get caught. Willow didn't want this escape to fail. She had tried to run so many times and it was only one time she managed to get as far away from the castle as she did. It was that escape that led her to Izzy and Luke. It was that escape that made her believe in hope again and that there are good people out there. suddenly Luke stop mid run " I think I can hear something" he whispered to Willow as he looks around to see if he could see where it was coming from " this way" Luke said while grapping Willow's hand to take her into a room that was closest to them. Once they both were in the room they slowly look around for somewhere to hide careful to not make a sound to draw attention to themselves. The room was full of books. Books as far as the eye can see. Both Willow and Luke have never seen so many books. Willow didn't think that most of them have even been opened. When Luke touched one of the many books moving it from the shelve a secret passage way opened up showing itself to Willow and Luke. In seconds Willow and Luke at each other and as the passageway started closing willow and Luke quickly went in and as the passageway closed the door to the room they were just in opened and it was like no one was ever in the room to begin with. They were two feet from where Willow and Luke were standing. Both were scared to breath as they watched the person through the small gap . they waited for the person to leave the room before breathing again " come on we have to keep moving" Luke said as he looks over at Willow. Willow looks ahead of them to see nothing but darkness. "I will follow you wherever" she said holding Luke's hand "even though we walking with spiders" Willow wanted to sound funny but spiders were not the favourite thing to think about in a dark and old secret passageway.

"What do you mean they are gone" jack shouted every loudly making his voice echo across the room. " they are gone sir, they have escape" jack was so angry it look like steam was coming from his ears. "Get me the guard who was watching them." Jack said as he sat down on a chair. It wasn't long before they returned with the same guards that Willow trick hours before was in jacks sight. The guard pushed him forward where jack was. "What happen about doing your job right" jack said sharply. "I'm sorry sir the girl and the boy they trick me" the guard said to jack. Jack looks down as him with an emotionless face " oh they trick you .That ok then" jack said calmly said "yeah" the guard said not knowing what to say " well it isn't ok" jack shouted punching the guard in the face. "You were supposed to keep them in the cell" jack shouted again punching him "not help them escapes, I have now got the master to answer too. I have to explain to him when we have prisoners running around the castle" jack added while taking his anger out on the man before him. Jack didn't care that the man before him had his eyes closed. He didn't care that the man before him was bleeding. All he could see was red.

some stood and watched in fear jack would take his anger out on them while some tried to get jack away from the man.

it wasn't like jack to be this angry about something. He was a man to be feared but jack had never taken it so far. Some of these men trained jack raised him in fact. " GET OF HIM" one of the men named jona stand grabbing jack pulling away " what will the master say when he finds out that the girl is running free" jack said angrily trying to catch his breath. " the master will not be happy, he will do worst

Than what I have done to him, we better find her before the master finds out" "well we better get a move on then" jona said as he looks at the man lying on the ground with an unreadable expression.

Luke had a tight hold on willows hand as the walk through the passage way trying to find a way out. The passage way was like a endless tunnel that had no way out and the fact that they kept on finding dead ends didn't help the uneasy feeling that Willow was starting to get from this. " what are we going to do now" Willow said as they came to yet another dead end. Luke lets go of willows hand and started to feel around on the wall to see if he could find a out. To see if they were missing something eve time they would get to a dead end "there has to be a way out of here somewhere." Luke said. Luke didn't want to sound worried but his voice gave him away. Suddenly something that Luke had touched clicked and Sure enough the wall slowly opened reviling a room and before the wall started closing again Willow and Luke ran out of the passage way into the room. Luke quickly looks around to room to see if there was anyone in the room but when there wasn't they ran out of the room and into the corridor where a man was standing Luke nearly ran into him and Willow into Luke. The man jona looks at Willow and Luke smiled at them. Willow notices the man standing before them was the same man that should her kindness. Luke was ready to fright the man before them. He wasn't going to give up without a fight and even though he had shown kindness in the past Willow wasn't even sure if the man could be trusted. "Wait" Jona said with his stand up above his head "I'm on your side" both Luke and Willow look at one another with an unsure look "I don't believe you" Luke said. He was still ready to fight the man if needed to. He stood in front of Willow making sure that if something did happen then he could protect her. " I see them over there" a male voice shouted from a distance  with the sound of running footsteps getting louder. Jona looks back at the voice then to Luke "you have to punch me "jona said to him " quick! Punch me then run, there is a big door that leads outside go into the trees and follow the path out of the castle grounds" jona added. Luke was surprised by this but he didn't care. He still didn't trust him but he had no choice but to listen to his word so that what Luke did he punched Jona as hard as he can with no regret then grab willows hand to run. Willow looks back at jona with a small smile that meant thanks. The wind blow around them like it was pushing them but Willow and Luke didn't notice. Jona watched on as he watch Willow and Luke run out of sigh before closing his eyes to act like he was knocked out. "What happened" one of the men said to jona "I underestimated the boy" jona said as if he was waking up.


not a long chapter but I wanted to post something this evening. 
I always wanted to say a big thank you for taking the time to read this world that I have created.

good night. 

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