Chapter 16 - The Brother's meeting.

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All the elders within the brother's order were in a grand golden looking room which also included Brother alexander, Brother Nicholas, Merlin even Augustus and his wife Elosia, Ruben, Edmund and Vermon. They wanted to do their part to help their friend. They got permission to join this meeting as they wanted to know how they can help in the search. Luke was also the one person within their small group they would go to for guidance and advice. Even though Luke refused their friendship at first it didn't stop them trying because a lone wolf always needs a pack of friends to be there for them in their time of need. " we cant save them" one of the brother said " we don't know where they are" he added. " that doesn't matter" Brother Jed said. "Luke is like one of us" brother added. He was standing in front of his fellow brothers as he was the one that called for meeting even though the point of the meetings were pointless they always delayed the action. The meeting were not always a thing but after a while they were. The meetings were always full of judgmental views and very time consuming. Like a group of group of mother hens they like to gossip plus they can never decide on one thing. Brother Jed would avoid meetings when he could because sometimes the meetings were a weekly update of the small around the city. "Luke is not one of us, he isn't a part of the brotherhood" the room of people started shouting at one another, all shouting over one another. One example of why Brother Jed would avoid meetings. It was pointless. No one can get a point out if they always shouted over one another. What could that do? Nothing good that's for sure. "QUITE" one of the elders shouted. "the girl's ability to control the water is strong nothing like we thought it was going to be" one of the brothers said "Brother Ivan no one could foresee that" the elder replied. " no one knows how strong the bond between the child and the element are" Brother Ivan said. Brother Ivan was one for gossip and such things. He likes knowing what going with the people in the city as one does when they have a lot of friends. He walks around the city taking the time to talk to all that need a chat. " are we sure that there only four that can control the elemets" Everyone started talking over one another once again. Brother Jed rolled his eyes. Annoyed. In truth no one knows the magic world to them was still mystery to them only what the elders before the elders have written in books. Some believe that they went into hiding away from where the humans cannot get to them. "What if these children decided to go again us and cause us harm" a voice said. "Then if that's the case we destroy them" Brother Alexander said In the same tone he always speaks, flat and emotionless. Brother alexander is the kind of person that showed no care. It was like his heart was made for cold hard ice. "I agree" Brother Francis said who is standing next to Brother Alexander. "What do you think Brother Alistair?" Brother Jed asks to the man is sitting at one of the tables before him. "I think it can be a possible that these children could be led astray from the light and into the dark eyes of the devil but we have to have hope that it won't happened.". Brother Alistair was a man that could always know what to sat in a meeting. He has been in just as many meetings as Brother Jed has been in. Brother Jed and Brother Alistair were voices of reasons and sometimes they would clash having different views on things like for example Brother Jed son Jacob who was born before Brother Jed well became Brother Jed and was just plain Jedidiah. You see not many of the men who are a part of the brothers have a family of their own only few of them did as there was once a rule that to be a brother you have to devote your life to the cause which has now relaxed but some of the older generation of brother still follow the rule but do they don't disown anyone that now has a small family of their own though they watched their friends fallen in love and wanting to get married were force to leave the brothers. People were allowed to leave to brother if they wanted marriage after a while the brothers would help them with their journey as much as they can. Others of the older generation and a few younger generation still think the rule shouldn't be relaxed. Everyone has their own views about the rule it was still a new thing that has happened. The elders and the people that agreed for the change had a point, the children could be raised to be brothers if they so wish to be a part of the brothers family. The brother even created a school within the city to teach young boys about what it means to be a brother. The school teaches all kinds of things such as reading, writing, maths etc. The school also teaches girls they are taught most of the same things but the girls don't have as much to do with the lessons of the brother. Just the history and the meaning. The boys learn the lively hood, how to act. They don't learn the secrets till their last year. When they are around 18 to 19 and when they truly want to become a brother.

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