Chapter 9 - Discovering The Hidden

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this is the last i had to edit for chapter 8 and instead of adding it in with  chapter 8 i shall make it into a new chapter as i feel like it would work out OK if i did that even though its not that long. so here is a new chapter for you all.  so now chapter 9 ( which i still have to start and edit but it been a long day so will do that tomorrow)  will now become chapter 10 when i publish it on here and it may also become multiply of chapters if it get to long so it doesn't take me so long in updating because im going through what i had saved from over 5 years ago and some of the story had changed at the beginning so i had to make sure it all fitted together before posting it on here. 


It was the next day Willow was acting like nothing has happened the day before. it was like it the day before never happened and it worried Luke. He didn't know what she was thinking and he really wanted to know what Willow was thinking. It couldn't be anything good. He wanted the best for her. He cared for her in more ways than one and he didn't know what to do so he followed Willow lead and also pretended nothing happened the day before. pretended that Brother Jed didn't talk about the others, the others that were like Willow. Luke wanted Willow to talk about it but Willow was still taking it all in. that she not the only one that was different. Someone that a had freaky power. She wasn't the only one of her kind. Izzy and Willow had gone to see a play that was happening in the cities centre. Izzy wanted to help Willow even though she was young she knew that her friend was sad and she wanted to put a smile up on her face. Willow wasn't really interested but it didn't matter she didn't want to let Izzy down when she was doing something nice for her and it did bring her some joy seeing Izzy smile. It always did. Of course she wanted to pretend nothing happened because than she had to face the real world again that at someone she had to find the others. Willow wanted to, she wanted to meet the others that were like her but she was scared. She didn't want to know that they may have a happier life then what she did. It didn't want to be known as the poor girl that was failed even though she was that girl. She didn't like to think about her past how she could when it was full of darkness and terror.

At some point the brothers decided it was time. A new age was coming and Willow was the key to that beginning. Brother Jed knew that Willow wouldn't like the idea because then it meant that she had to leave, leave the place that started to feel like home. Brother Jed could to see it in her eyes. It was the same look when Luke came to the city all those years ago especially now that this was the place that Willow should of grown up in. this city was meant to her home a place where she was going to have her freedom. The city felt more like home with every day that went by. It was tough for Willow when she learnt about what the brothers had talk about. Why did she have to go on this journey. Why was it always had to be her? Willow just wanted her freedom and even though she had that she would never truly be free not when jack was still after her. Sometimes it felt like wasn't even free. Why couldn't she free from all the pain she felt within side herself. Why did she always have to fight to keep her freedom. It took her all afternoon to find Brother Jed Willow was angry at him even though it wasn't his fault but he was there when she was stolen and her parents were killed. She found him sitting under a tree reading a book that looked older than he was. Willow watched him for a second before carrying on her angry past towards him. "Why is it that it has to be me" Willow said in a angry tone. "Why is it every time I feel like I belong somewhere" Willow paused for a moment " why is it that every time I feel like a belong I have to leave" Willow she repeated. She took a step towards Brother Jed. "For once I feel like there is where I meant to be and – and now it feels like I'm being kicked out." Willow was angry and at the same time she was upset and Brother Jed understood why. He understood why. Having a life like Willow must been horrid seeing the things she had to see at a young age. The things that she must have witness from a young age. He couldn't think about all the pain and sorrow she must have seen. "I'm truly sorry my dear child" brother said as he put his hand on her shoulder "but i had no control over your safety when you was born" Brother Jed with sadness in his voice. "What about the others, what about them" Willow said. She was desperate to know more about the others that were like her. "I will have to look at the records but there isn't many and I don't have much access to them" he paused as he looked at Willow hopeful face "but I will have will try. I think I know someone that could help" "thank you" Willow simply said with a smile across her face. " you know you were only babe when I last saw you" Brother Jed said without thinking " years went by that I thought you were dead your parents were my close friends and it felt like I fail them" it was quiet in the room neither Willow or Brother Jed said anything. It stayed like for a while Brother Jed didn't know what she was thinking. Willow wasn't giving off any emotion. It was quiet for a few more seconds before Brother Jed decided to say something " can you forgive me" brother said in a low tone. Willow stared at him for a few seconds she was wondering why Brother Jed asked for forgiveness. "What for?" Willow asked with a confused tone. "It's wasn't your fault, I don't blame you so you shouldn't blame yourself" Willow said while smiling at Brother Jed. It was true she didn't blame Brother Jed but she did blame the person that killed him the person that took her away and made her childhood a living hell. Always scared for her life and not knowing when she was going to eat next. The guard was cruel and disgusting. Some of the them where ok but most of the were the worst and besides he couldn't miss something that she never had just miss what could have been but Willow was grateful for what she had today she had Luke and she had Izzy they were like her family and doesn't know what she would do if they were not in her life.

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